What are the differences between egoistic, altruistic and anomic suicide? Look up three famous people who have committed suicide and the reasons they did this (either what you find about them or what you think the reason was). Which type of suicide did each commit? Do you know anyone who has committed suicide? How did this affect their family? How did this affect you? If you don’t know anyone, imagine how you might feel. Can you think of something we can do to help prevent suicides, particularly for young people?
reflection paper

reflection paper
required to produce a reflection paper regarding what you learned about ergonomics from the Toyota trip
we watched this video when we were there
in reflection paper it should has talk about how they work inside the factory and how safely workers been doing their jobs
reflection paper

reflection paper
required to produce a reflection paper regarding what you learned about ergonomics from the Toyota trip
we watched this video when we were there
in reflection paper it should has talk about how they work inside the factory and how safely workers been doing their jobs