Throughout this unit, you have learned that certain links exist between emotions, motivation, and stress. In fact, if one does not handle his or her stress effectively, numerous health issues could arise. For this assignment, you are to compose a two-page reflection paper in which you examine a current or former stressful event in your life. You must embrace Selye’s general adaptation syndrome (GAS), and describe your reactions to the stressful event during each stage. Be sure that you recount the various facial expressions that you displayed as you progressed through each stage as well. What coping strategies did you embrace to help solve the problem? Additionally, how was your professional work impacted by the stressor? Furthermore, did you experience additional conflicts with other individuals as you endured this life trial? You must effectively examine each of the areas listed above. Furthermore, you should visit the CSU Online Library to identify a source that provides specific information on how this stressful issue could impact your health, future goals, and motivation. You must integrate the textbook as a source as well. Tips for writing your Reflection Paper: ? Introduction – This is meant to give a concise overview of the featured stressful event and is usually one paragraph in length. In your introduction, you will reveal the featured stressful event that you will examine for this paper. ? Summary – This contains your description of the required areas listed above in the opening statement, including Selye’s GAS, your facial expressions, coping strategies, professional impact, and relationship conflicts. ? Analysis – In this portion of the paper, you should provide information from the textbook and an additional source identified from the CSU Library to analyze the impact that the stressful event could have placed upon your health, future goals, and motivation. ? Conclusion – This summarizes your final reflections for the featured topic. For instance, what implications have you uncovered during your research that you will apply to future stressful events? Note: Do not forget to double space your response and use Times New Roman 12 pt. font. This written assignment should have a cover page, two full pages of content in which you organize the four sections of the reflection based on the guidelines as listed above, and a references page. You are required to utilize the textbook and one additional source for this assignment. Both sources should be included on your references page. You should also have accompanying in-text citations for each source that you have used throughout your response.textbook reference: Wade, C., Tavris, C., & Garry, M. (2014). Psychology (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education
Reflection paper

Reflection paper
Order Description
This is a Reflection Paper about a 63 year old male individual name Mr. Thibs. He was sentenced to federal prison for a duration of 18months. He was convicted of a white collar crime, something about stealing, laundering money from banks and transferring them to other accounts. He spoke about how afraid he was before beginning his sentencing. His family was traumatized from the experience, he then later divorced his wife and became distant with his kids who or now grown. FBI investigated this case for about Seven years before he was arrested and convicted.
Remember, a reflection paper is the student’s opportunity to add his or her thoughts and analysis to what has been read or experienced.
A reflection paper is meant to illustrate understanding of the material and how it affects the student’s ideas and possible practice in future.
Imagine waking up in the morning in your own bed, next to your spouse, starring at the ceiling wall and wondering to yourself that today, I am getting incarcerated. I will be spending the next two years in a federal prison for a crime that I was convicted for. I am getting placed with the most violent, heinous offenders in a federal prison.
Just give your thoughts and imagine if you was getting incarcerated. Not only are you getting effected, but also your family.
Reflection paper

Reflection paper
Order Description
This is a Reflection Paper about a 63 year old male individual name Mr. Thibs. He was sentenced to federal prison for a duration of 18months. He was convicted of a white collar crime, something about stealing, laundering money from banks and transferring them to other accounts. He spoke about how afraid he was before beginning his sentencing. His family was traumatized from the experience, he then later divorced his wife and became distant with his kids who or now grown. FBI investigated this case for about Seven years before he was arrested and convicted.
Remember, a reflection paper is the student’s opportunity to add his or her thoughts and analysis to what has been read or experienced.
A reflection paper is meant to illustrate understanding of the material and how it affects the student’s ideas and possible practice in future.
Imagine waking up in the morning in your own bed, next to your spouse, starring at the ceiling wall and wondering to yourself that today, I am getting incarcerated. I will be spending the next two years in a federal prison for a crime that I was convicted for. I am getting placed with the most violent, heinous offenders in a federal prison.
Just give your thoughts and imagine if you was getting incarcerated. Not only are you getting effected, but also your family.