Order Description
Assessment: Recruitment Assignment.
Unit: Human Resource Management.
Assessment Brief: As a HR Manager, you have decided to recruit a personal assistant for Organisation ‘X’. For designing the HR file, you will create a want ad for the position and draft 10 interview questions for screening the applicants. The interview questions will be graded as per the rubric provided below. Ensure that you use the requirements of the rubric to prepare the want Ad and interview questions.
Assessment Brief
As a HR Manager, you have decided to recruit a personal assistant for Organisation ‘X’. For designing the HR file, you will create a want ad for the position and draft 10 interview questions for screening the applicants. The interview questions will be graded as per the rubric provided below. Ensure that you use the requirements of the rubric to prepare the want Ad and interview questions.
Total Mark
Students are advised that any submissions past the due date incur a 10% penalty per day, calculated from the total mark e.g. a task marked out of 40 will incur a 4 mark penalty per day.
Please note: you must attempt all assessments tasks in a unit to be eligible to pass the subject.
More information, please refer to the Academic Progression Policies on
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? All assignments with the standard assignment cover sheet must be submitted through Moodle site in MS Word format. No email/hard copy submission will be accepted.
? Assignments should usually incorporate a formal introduction, main points and conclusion, and will be fully referenced including a reference list.
? The work must be fully referenced with in-text citations and a reference list at the end. We strongly recommend you to refer to the Academic Learning Skills materials available in the Moodle. For details please click the link http://online.kent.edu.au/cms/course/view.php?id=437 and download the file “Harvard Referencing Workbook”. Appropriate academic writing and referencing are inevitable academic skills that you must develop and demonstrate.
? We recommend a minimum of FIVE references, unless instructed differently by your lecturer. Unless specifically instructed otherwise by your lecturer, any paper with less than FIVE references may be failed. Work that includes sources that are not properly referenced according to the “Harvard Referencing Workbook” will be penalised.
? Marks will be deducted for failure to adhere to the word count – as a general rule you may go over or under by 10% than the stated length.
? All assignments submitted electronically through Moodle must be through the Student Portal.
? NOTE: Copy detection software (TurnitIn) is used in this course and work found in contravention of the copying and plagiarism rules will be investigated. Penalties apply in the case of proven instances of copying, plagiarism and academic dishonesty. For more details about the penalty, refer to the marking criteria for each assessment task.
? Please check the following links to know more about TurnitIn:
? http://turnitin.com/en_us/training/student-training/viewing-originality-reports
? According to KENT’s policy, students must submit their requests for extension of assignment submission date through the KENT system (“Assessment Extension Request” under the “Support” block of the course website), no email or telephone request will be accepted.
? You should prepare and submit your assignments as early as possible and DO NOT wait for the last minute. It is your responsibility to ensure that the assignment is submitted on time.
? When submitting your Assessment Tasks, you MUST complete all steps listed in Moodle site, KENT ID and password are needed to access the Moodle site. Penalty in final marks for late submission applies to drafts that are already on Moodle but not submitted for marking at the due time. Please note assignments which are submitted as draft will be automatically submitted for marking after the due date and time.
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Recruitment assignment
Student Name:______________________ Student ID:___________________________
Your assignment will be assessed on the extent to which it meets each of the following criteria. Only one of the available marking options is to be chosen for each criterion.
The total mark (57) will be converted into 10 as per the weight of the assessment.
Ad is highly professional and projects a favourable ‘corporate image’ (3 Marks)
Ad uses short sentences and familiar words that are action oriented (3 Marks)
Shows flawless editing for grammar, syntax and punctuation, spelling.
(3 Marks)
Content is sequenced logically and in an engaging manner (3 Marks)
Ad has exemplary creative appeal that sets it apart from other advertisements with good copy layout, visual balance, visual tension, and contrast (3 Marks)
Clear, Concise and Creative (3) Somewhat Clear, Concise and Creative(2) Vague, not fully developed (1) Missing (0) CONTENT RELATED CRITERIA
Ad contains all relevant information about the position and organization, including:
Job title (3 Marks)
Working conditions
(3 Marks)
a clear description of the job (3 Marks)
your ‘organizational and work’ culture (3 Marks)
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major skills, competencies, and educational requirements (3 Marks)
training offered (3 Marks)
career and personal requirements (3 Marks)
career and personal development possibilities
(3 Marks)
location of the job (3 Marks)
salary, benefits, and other
(3 Marks)
? incentives
travel and/or other requirements (3 Marks)
INTERVIEW QUESTIONS: Questions relevant, elicit applicant’s ability to meet requirements of position as identified in ad Clearly and directly – Highly Creative Throughout (3) Generally Clear, Direct, Creative (2) Somewhat vague, indirect on occasion (1) Unrelated at times, indirectly (0)
3 behavioural questions (3 Marks)
3 situational questions (3 Marks)
3+ personal questions (3 Marks)