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recent media text and produce a detailed critical analysis of your chosen text which is MOTHERS DAY the movie

recent media text and produce a detailed critical analysis of your chosen text which is MOTHERS DAY the movie
Order Description

This is a 2-year university term assignment

The intended learning outcomes will be assessed as follows:

Choose a recent media text and produce a detailed critical analysis of your chosen text.
Your analysis should:

-Examine THREE of following: the transmedial, intertextual, narrative, generic, and factual/fictional construction of the text.

– Examine how such factors might influence audience interpretations of your specific example.

2,500 words
Your essay must be informed by the key theories, concepts and approaches from the module.
Your assignment MUST be informed by academic literature and include a full bibliography. “not included in the word count”
We did some tasks within the previous weeks and we should write our essay depending on the topics of these tasks so please read the bullet underlined bold topics and the red paragraphs as they are important of each task and the task is not important just ignore it unless there is something useful :

• Analyzing the Media.
• Genre & Narrative:

In this week’s sessions we will explore how both genre and narrative play a key role in determining the structure of media texts. We will also consider how particular genres are socially, temporally and geographically specific and as such we will consider how they can reflect wider social and political issues.

Task: Different media (for example fictional film, documentary film, news reports, newspaper columns, advertisements, fictional literature, music video etc) and different genres within each of these media (eg within fictional film – film noir, the gangster, chick flick, rom com etc) have different codes, conventions and rules for their narrative forms, even though the subject may be identical. In your groups, prepare a 5 min informal presentation on the representation of the Other in Science Fiction, eg, what type of people tend to be the central protagonists, how are they portrayed, how does the stylistic, musical and visual presentation of the narrative help to produce the particular representation the Other in Science Fiction?

• Fact & Fiction:

This week we will consider the tendency to divide media forms into fact (news, documentary) and fiction (film, drama). In doing so we will examine how this binary is often not absolute and how all forms of media are shaped by conventions that are in turn reproduced through particular working practices.

Task: Consider the recent news coverage of the ‘Refugee Crisis’ and how particular countries, peoples and places are portrayed. Decide upon a particular event and look at the coverage of this event across different media (e.g. TV news, newspapers, documentaries, twitter) and compare the manner in which the same ‘facts’ of the event are communicated. What language is used? What sources are referred to? What contextual information is provided? Present your findings in the form of an A2 poster presentation. This may be handmade or printed (hint: stick 2 A3 sheets together) but should use visual tools (word clouds, graphs, bullet points) to convey your findings. Try to make your poster as interesting and visually stimulating as possible.

• Representation & Visibility:

This week we will examine how certain groups and individuals are represented within the media. In the process, we will examine how certain groups are largely invisible within mainstream media and how such an absence might contribute to their further marginalisation and/or vilification on a societal level.

Task: Select a certain group of women from one of these: women as victims of crime, women as perpetrators of crime, mothers who kill their children or battered women who kill their partners/husbands. Look at different representations of this topic/phenomenon in magazines, film, TV, newspapers, literature. Films you can consider looking at may include but are not limited to:
Fatal Attraction (1987)
The Hand that Rocks the Cradle (199 )
The Fall (2014)
1-Note patterns in these representations in terms of stereotyping or essentializing categories noting how class, race, sexuality etc may further affect the representation of the women in question.

2. Note value assumptions in terms of who has power, who solve
problems, how problems are solved.

Make a note of at least 3 of these patterns of representation and two dominant value assumptions and be prepared for a class discussion on the topic.
• Audiences & Interpretation

In this lecture we will examine how ‘audiences’ and their capacity and scope for engaging with and actively interpreting media forms has been theorized within media studies. In doing so, we will touch upon the media effects debate and how power fluctuates between media producers and consumers within an ever-changing media landscape.

Task: For this week you should engage in your own individual act of audience interpretation by producing a 1 minute elevator pitch for your final assessment. In this you should explain 1. What your text is, 2. Why is it appropriate for this assignment? 3. What approach(es) will you use to analyse it? This will be presented to the whole group so make sure you come prepared.

• Intertextuality & Transmediality

This week we will examine the concept of ‘intertextuality’, that is, the idea that individual texts always refer to each other; and produce a web of interlinked references, similarities, echoes, constitute what we call intertext. In doing so we will also consider how intertextuality is an important concept in audience studies because it suggests that meaning is not to be found in the text independently of its readers. In addition, we will consider how the introduction of new (media) technologies creates texts that are distributed across media platforms and channels. So, we will consider the implications of the fact that while each text can be read autonomously, none of them has the full narrative picture.

Task: Drawing on your understanding of genre, intertextuality and transmediality, design a pitch for a transmedia story that uses at least three different media. Pitch your idea in a five minute presentation. Use visual aids (storyboards, trailers, clips etc) to enhance your pitch.

These are the weekly reading that they give us with every task they might be useful and you may use a bits of them:

Weekly Readings

1. Genre and Narrative

Long_Narrative and Genre.pdf

Thornham_Stories and Meanings.pdf

2. Fact and Fiction

Barker_Television as Text.pdf


3. Representation and Visability

Devereux_Media Representations in an Unequal World.pdf

4. Audiences and Interpretation

Branston_From Audience to Users.pdf

5. Intertextuality and Transmediality


Jenkins_Origami Unicorn.pdf

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recent media text and produce a detailed critical analysis of your chosen text which is MOTHERS DAY the movie

recent media text and produce a detailed critical analysis of your chosen text which is MOTHERS DAY the movie
Order Description

This is a 2-year university term assignment

The intended learning outcomes will be assessed as follows:

Choose a recent media text and produce a detailed critical analysis of your chosen text.
Your analysis should:

-Examine THREE of following: the transmedial, intertextual, narrative, generic, and factual/fictional construction of the text.

– Examine how such factors might influence audience interpretations of your specific example.

2,500 words
Your essay must be informed by the key theories, concepts and approaches from the module.
Your assignment MUST be informed by academic literature and include a full bibliography. “not included in the word count”
We did some tasks within the previous weeks and we should write our essay depending on the topics of these tasks so please read the bullet underlined bold topics and the red paragraphs as they are important of each task and the task is not important just ignore it unless there is something useful :

• Analyzing the Media.
• Genre & Narrative:

In this week’s sessions we will explore how both genre and narrative play a key role in determining the structure of media texts. We will also consider how particular genres are socially, temporally and geographically specific and as such we will consider how they can reflect wider social and political issues.

Task: Different media (for example fictional film, documentary film, news reports, newspaper columns, advertisements, fictional literature, music video etc) and different genres within each of these media (eg within fictional film – film noir, the gangster, chick flick, rom com etc) have different codes, conventions and rules for their narrative forms, even though the subject may be identical. In your groups, prepare a 5 min informal presentation on the representation of the Other in Science Fiction, eg, what type of people tend to be the central protagonists, how are they portrayed, how does the stylistic, musical and visual presentation of the narrative help to produce the particular representation the Other in Science Fiction?

• Fact & Fiction:

This week we will consider the tendency to divide media forms into fact (news, documentary) and fiction (film, drama). In doing so we will examine how this binary is often not absolute and how all forms of media are shaped by conventions that are in turn reproduced through particular working practices.

Task: Consider the recent news coverage of the ‘Refugee Crisis’ and how particular countries, peoples and places are portrayed. Decide upon a particular event and look at the coverage of this event across different media (e.g. TV news, newspapers, documentaries, twitter) and compare the manner in which the same ‘facts’ of the event are communicated. What language is used? What sources are referred to? What contextual information is provided? Present your findings in the form of an A2 poster presentation. This may be handmade or printed (hint: stick 2 A3 sheets together) but should use visual tools (word clouds, graphs, bullet points) to convey your findings. Try to make your poster as interesting and visually stimulating as possible.

• Representation & Visibility:

This week we will examine how certain groups and individuals are represented within the media. In the process, we will examine how certain groups are largely invisible within mainstream media and how such an absence might contribute to their further marginalisation and/or vilification on a societal level.

Task: Select a certain group of women from one of these: women as victims of crime, women as perpetrators of crime, mothers who kill their children or battered women who kill their partners/husbands. Look at different representations of this topic/phenomenon in magazines, film, TV, newspapers, literature. Films you can consider looking at may include but are not limited to:
Fatal Attraction (1987)
The Hand that Rocks the Cradle (199 )
The Fall (2014)
1-Note patterns in these representations in terms of stereotyping or essentializing categories noting how class, race, sexuality etc may further affect the representation of the women in question.

2. Note value assumptions in terms of who has power, who solve
problems, how problems are solved.

Make a note of at least 3 of these patterns of representation and two dominant value assumptions and be prepared for a class discussion on the topic.
• Audiences & Interpretation

In this lecture we will examine how ‘audiences’ and their capacity and scope for engaging with and actively interpreting media forms has been theorized within media studies. In doing so, we will touch upon the media effects debate and how power fluctuates between media producers and consumers within an ever-changing media landscape.

Task: For this week you should engage in your own individual act of audience interpretation by producing a 1 minute elevator pitch for your final assessment. In this you should explain 1. What your text is, 2. Why is it appropriate for this assignment? 3. What approach(es) will you use to analyse it? This will be presented to the whole group so make sure you come prepared.

• Intertextuality & Transmediality

This week we will examine the concept of ‘intertextuality’, that is, the idea that individual texts always refer to each other; and produce a web of interlinked references, similarities, echoes, constitute what we call intertext. In doing so we will also consider how intertextuality is an important concept in audience studies because it suggests that meaning is not to be found in the text independently of its readers. In addition, we will consider how the introduction of new (media) technologies creates texts that are distributed across media platforms and channels. So, we will consider the implications of the fact that while each text can be read autonomously, none of them has the full narrative picture.

Task: Drawing on your understanding of genre, intertextuality and transmediality, design a pitch for a transmedia story that uses at least three different media. Pitch your idea in a five minute presentation. Use visual aids (storyboards, trailers, clips etc) to enhance your pitch.

These are the weekly reading that they give us with every task they might be useful and you may use a bits of them:

Weekly Readings

1. Genre and Narrative

Long_Narrative and Genre.pdf

Thornham_Stories and Meanings.pdf

2. Fact and Fiction

Barker_Television as Text.pdf


3. Representation and Visability

Devereux_Media Representations in an Unequal World.pdf

4. Audiences and Interpretation

Branston_From Audience to Users.pdf

5. Intertextuality and Transmediality


Jenkins_Origami Unicorn.pdf

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