Reader Response Theory
Research Paper on the Reader Response Theory
1. Write an introduction explaining the reader response theory
2. Spend at least eight weeks with a group of 10 fourth grade students
3 Select two or three books for students to read independently.
4. Have students respond to the books in writing
5. Analyze and categorize the responses (Create a chart for the categories)
6. Write a narrative to describe your findings
7. Describe how you would use this as an assessment tool
6. Support the findings with at least six references
7. Demonstrate that the response theory addresses National Standards (IRA/NCTE
8. Reflect on the experience
9. Use the rubric below as a guide
10. 18 pages or more including reference page
Rubric for Research Paper on the Reader Response Theory
Elements Points
Introduction 2
Selection of books for independent reading 2
Analysis and categorization of responses (Include a chart) 8
Narrative describing findings 6
Link between instruction and assessment 5
Research which support findings 5
National standards 2
Reflection 2
Total 30