Reaction Paper
Order Instructions:
This assignment is your critical reaction to the readings. This means that you are providing a critique of the work and not merely doing a book/article report. Each paper will be only three pages long – no more, no less (double-spaced, one-inch margins –sides and top and bottom).
In each of your reaction papers use these questions to guide your response: (1) a brief statement of what you feel was the main thesis of any two articles that you wish to respond to; in other words, what was the author conveying? (2) Pick 2-3 statements or ideas in each article that you felt were most important and briefly say how they relate you the main thesis; (3) Briefly say how at least two practice behaviors from your syllabus are relevant to what you’ve learned from the article; (4) Briefly say how this writing informs (supports or challenges) your own social work practice or thinking; and (5) compare your critical reaction to a present-day situation. For instance, how is colonialism tied to the 99% (Occupy Wall Street Movement)/American Exceptionalism? What are we doing to other nations and people (and our own) that represents colonization in the current context? Please keep the points separate and put the appropriate number by each response in your paper. If you cite directly from the articles be sure to cite the page number and put quotes around the cited text.