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Race, Gender and Ethnic Relations in the US   

Course Materials


Fiske-Rusciano, R. (2013). Experiencing Race, Class and Gender in the United States (6th Ed.). Boston, MA:

McGraw-Hill.  ISBN-13: 9780078111617

                                     ALL APA FORMAT

Week 3


Critical Thinking: Examination of Social Class (90 points)

Pick a traditionally marginalized group in America. Conduct research using academically approvedsources in order to describe and explain these groups’ experiences of social class.

Your research must include at least two scholarly sources (more are better) in addition to incorporating the required reading. Sources such as Wikipedia, USA Today, Fox News, or MSNBC news will not be accepted.  The CSU-Global Library is a great place to find your sources. Data to analyze include educational achievement, income, health statistics, family dynamics, and economic security.

The final product is to be a 3- to 4-page paper, or about 1,500 words, properly cited and formatted according to CSU-Global APA style requirements. Please include a formal Works Cited page.  This is an individual paper; however, you should reflect on our Discussion Forums and incorporate ideas from there, as appropriate.

Turn the paper in via the Assignment Dropbox.


Week 4


Critical Thinking: Distribution of Political Power (90 points)

Debates about abortion, same-sex marriage, and health care have had profound impact on our political system.

How does the distribution of political power affect the life chances of people who are under-represented in terms of race/ethnicity, class and gender?

Conduct research using academically approved sources (review the grading rubric for this Critical Thinking activity found under Course Information) and analyze how special interest groups such as lobbies and grass roots organizations may promote or prevent social change.

The final product is to be a 3- to 4-page paper, or about 1,500 words, properly cited and formatted according to CSU-Global APA style requirements. Please include a formal Works Cited page.  This is an individual paper; however, you should reflect on our Discussion Forums and incorporate ideas from there, as appropriate.

Week 5


Critical Thinking: American Class Perspectives (90 points)

Examine how the American class system looks from the perspective of people of color, women, and people with non-traditional gender orientation. Please give scrupulous attention to the idea that how we think and act as a gender and as a sexual being is not a choice, but an orientation that seems to be largely predisposed.

Rely heavily on the required readings as you use a sociological perspective to compare and contrast the reported experiences of different individuals from different minority groups. Add to the required readings with reading done on your own.

The final product is to be a 3- to 4-page paper, or about 1,500 words, properly cited and formatted according to CSU-Global APA style requirements. Sources such as Wikipedia, USA Today, Fox or MSNBC news are not acceptable. This is an individual paper, however, you should reflect on our Discussion Forums and incorporate ideas from there, as appropriate.


Week 8


Portfolio Assignment (350 points)

It is clear that race, ethnicity and gender are strongly correlated to social class. There are multiple theories in sociology that explain class, ethnicity, and gender.


  • Choose one theory to use as a backbone for your paper and choose two ethnic minorities in the United States to compare and contrast their experiences in terms of social class.

  • Analyze how gender is treated in these groups. Demonstrate your understanding of the ways in which religious tradition works to construct social reality for these groups.

  • Evaluate how those in power aid or obstruct the assimilation process.

  • Inspect the ways in which racism and discrimination affect this minority’s participation in mainstream American life.

If you pick an American Indian group, be sure to identify their tribe and discuss their history.

Provide support for your arguments based on both the required and recommended readings for the course, and incorporate any relevant points culled from the discussion boards.

For project details, see the Portfolio Project Description, which can be accessed from the Week 8 Assignments page.



Portfolio Assignment (350 points)

It is clear that race, ethnicity and gender are strongly correlated to social class. There are multiple theories in sociology that explain class, ethnicity, and gender.


<!–[if !supportLists]–>·&nbsp;<!–[endif]–>Choose one theory to use as the backbone of your paper and choose two ethnic minorities in the United States to compare and contrast their experiences&nbsp;of social class.

<!–[if !supportLists]–>·&nbsp;<!–[endif]–>Analyze how gender is treated in these groups. Demonstrate your understanding of the ways in which religious tradition works to construct social reality for these groups.

<!–[if !supportLists]–>·&nbsp;<!–[endif]–>Evaluate how those in power aid or obstruct the assimilation process.

<!–[if !supportLists]–>·&nbsp;<!–[endif]–>Inspect the ways in which racism and discrimination affect this minority’s participation in mainstream American life.

<!–[if !supportLists]–>·&nbsp;<!–[endif]–>If you pick an American Indian group, be sure to identify their tribe and discuss their history.

Provide support for your arguments based on both the required and recommended readings for the course, and incorporate any relevant points culled from the discussion boards.

The portfolio project is an 8- to 10-page research paper (approximately 3,500 words). Follow&nbsp;
CSU-Global APA style requirements&nbsp;and follow APA formatting when documenting your sources.&nbsp;

Your final paper will be graded not only on content, but also on the quality of your writing, including syntax and grammar. It is highly recommended that you closely proofread your assignment prior to submission.

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