write a paper about questionnaire construction – this is interesting to most people. You just do secondary research and learn all you can about how to write a questionnaire. You need to include a bibliography with all your sources but I do not care what format (MLA APA etc.) that you use. Once you have learned about constructing a questionnaire, write a paper about the do’s and don’ts of questionnaire construction. You can pick any topic but you must tell me what population you would like to survey from (all university students in Texas; clients of a dental office etc.) and what information you are trying to collect (satisfaction with online classes; satisfaction with services offered etc.). Your questionnaire does not have to be any particular length but it must provide the data needed to answer your question. You will not actually distribute the questionnaire but you need to write it as if you plan to use it to gather the information needed. It is usually easier if you pick something that you are very familiar with like your job, your church, your fellow students. It makes the process much easier.
questionnaire construction