All of the liberation ideologies try to promote freedom for a particular group of people or, in one case, of nonhuman animals. Women’s liberation (feminism) ideology are internally divided into two main branches. Use the triadic model of freedom to explain the difference between its two branches with special emphasis on how each branch analyzes the way/s women are oppressed and how each branch proposes to free its particular group.
Answer: Friday, November 13, by 11:59pm.
2 responses: Sunday, November 15, by 11:59pm.
1. Required reading
Reader: Chapter 8 – Liberation Ideologies and the Politics of Identity, 8.53: Mary Wollstonecraft; 9.56: Marilyn Frye.
Remember: Be sure to use explicitly and thoroughly the primary sources from the Reader. Failure to do so means that B- (80-83) would be the highest grade you could receive.
New Requirement: Be sure to use explicitly and thoroughly the primary sources from the Reader. Failure to do so means that B- (80-83) would be the highest grade
you could receive.
3. Your answer should be based on, and only on, the
required reading. The use of any other literature and sources is prohibited.
4. The answer must present a clear, well-organized argument with evidence based on the REQUIRED READINGS. Please be sure to divide your answer to paragraphs.
5. The 2 responses to classmates should reflect a thoughtful reaction to their post with comments that further the discussion. Be sure to post 2 different responses. Posting the same response twice, or repeating most of one response in the second one will count as one (1) response only.
New Requirement: Be sure to respond only to an answer that has no response or one (1) response.
6. Academic dishonesty: If you quote, you must use quotation marks and cite the specific page of the quotation. Failure to do both or either will result in an automatic grade of ‘0’.
7. Length:
Answer: 400 words (minimum) – 450 words (maximum). Be sure to post word count at the top of your answer.
2 responses: 150 words (minimum) – 250 words (maximum) each response. Be sure to post word count at the top of each response.
8. Additional literature or sources are NOT allowed.
1. If you submit the answer or the 2 responses late, after the deadline, you automatically lose third of the total points of the assignment.
2. Failure to meet the minimum word requirement, or to post word count, as well as exceeding the maximum word requirement will result in an automatic deduction of up to 1 point each.