Project/Case Study (60 Points)
Overview – Each student will present a case study on a quality-related topic of your choosing.
Proposal – The topic is of the students selection (required concurrence of the instructor), with the goal to demonstrate adequate knowledge and execution of the quality tool(s).
Example #1: Describe a quality problem, select the appropriate statistical tools or improvement methodology, data required and conduct the analysis of the data. Finally, present the information to their management (in this case your instructor), summarizing the issue and subsequent results of the improvement.
Example #2: Describe a situation where a company is outsourcing a critical process; describe the selection process, specific requirements of the supplier and data supporting the supplier’s capability to meet the requirements, along with any long-term controls required. Finally, present the information to their management (in this case your instructor), summarizing the issue and subsequent results of the procurement processes utilized (e.g. selection, on-boarding, controls) to protect the business and ensure high-quality product is received.
Deliverables and Evaluation – There are a total of three (3) deliverables for the project:
Project Deliverable #1: Topic proposal and agreement with course instructor is due no later than week #5.
Note: You may need to work ahead if your topic is using tools that have not been covered during the schedule. Please keep this in mind when selecting your topic.
Project Deliverable #2: Outline, problem description, data and tools that will be utilized and is due no later than week #10.
Project Deliverable #3: Final paper and presentation (PowerPoint) is due no later than week #14. The final deliverables for the project include a written document, all necessary data, description of the tools and why you selected them and finally, an executive presentation of the material in PowerPoint.
For your citations, you are required to use APA style formatting.
Your Project/Case Study will be assessed using the following breakdown:
Overall critical thinking and writing quality – 15 points
Organization – 5 points
Presentation of data – 10 points
Selection of quality tool(s) – 10 points
Data analysis – 10 points
Use of at least three citations from trade or academic journals – 2 points
Use of APA citation formatting – 1 point
Project deliverable #1 – 1 point
Project deliverable #2 – 1 point
Executive presentation – 5 points