Topic: Qualitative Methodologies
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There are many approaches to qualitative research and no fully agreed upon ” list” of methodologies. Merriam (2002) describes a number of methodologies, and Chapter 3 of Hennink, (2011) describes some additional methodologies. Chwalisz, Shah, and Hand (2008) describe qualitative methodologies from the perspective of an even different list. As one can see, there is no definitive list of qualitative methodologies.
One of the best ways to learn about a variety of qualitative research methodology is to read reports of research around a topic you are interested in. A search for qualitative research of a particular topic area may reveal a variety of qualitative research in that area.
For this paper, find two dissertation that use a qualitative research methodology to answer a research question that is in the same topic area as your topic of interest. Briefly describe the research methodologies utilized in each of the dissertations you selected. You may refer to the week’s reading to help you explain. Compare and contrast the two qualitative methods used: What is the same and what is different and why? Post should be at least 300 words.
The books are:
Hennink, M., Hutter, I., & Bailey, A. (2011). Qualitative research methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. Chapter 3: The Design Cycle.
Foss, S. K., & Waters, W. (2007). Destination dissertation: A traveler’s guide to a done dissertation. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Chapter 4: Developing Your ltinerary: The Preproposal.