Public?s View on Pharmacy Health Services
Order Description
Please base Assignment on the – Health Science News Article on the following manuscript:K. Saramunee, J. Krska, A. Mackridge, J. Richards, S. Suttajit, P. Phillips-Howard, General public’s views on pharmacy public health services: current situation and opportunities in the future, Public Health, Volume 129, Issue 6, June 2015, Pages 705-715, ISSN 0033-3506,
Health Science News Article Expectations and Grading Rubric for CHS 211
Name: ______________________________
This assignment has two parts.
1. Produce a short news article based on original research published in a peer-reviewed
journal that is provided to you in class. The intended audience is an intelligent collegeeducated
reader, who lives in the Reno area and is interested in science but has no formal
science education beyond conceptual level (100-level courses). In addition to the journal
article provided in class, at least one other research article from a peer-reviewed scientific
journal must be referenced.
The Health Science News Article should be comprised of approximately 400 words. A
maximum of 450 words is acceptable. The assignment should be written in the style of the
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (American Psychological
Association, 2010).
2. After submission of the DRAFT assignment, each student will be randomly assigned an
anonymous draft to review as a peer. There will be an online discussion related to the peer
review process. You should be honest and fair with your peer review because you will be
graded on the review process.
As part of the peer review process you will be tasked with editing the anonymous draft
Health Science News Article that you are reviewing. You must substantially maintain the
scientific content of the article while decreasing the article?s readability to an eighth grade
level and decreasing the article length to approximately 250 words. A maximum of 300
words is acceptable. This article should influence the reader in some way. All other items
from the instructions above remain in effect.
3. The FINAL submission will include the final copy of your Health Science News Article, the
final copy of your rewrite of the peer review Health Science News Article, and the Health
Science News Article Cover Memo. After submission of the FINAL assignments the grading
rubric will be applied.
? Assignment Submissions.
o Assignments will be submitted via Canvas and formatted as either Microsoft
Word documents (*.doc) or Portable Document Format documents (*.pdf) prior to
the due date specified in Canvas.
o The last submission prior to the due date, if multiple submissions are made, will
be considered for grading.
o No assignments will be accepted after the last instructional class period of the
? Late Assignment Submissions.
o No assignments will be accepted after the last instructional class period of the
o Three points (1% of Final Grade) will be deducted from the late assignment point
grade for each day the assignment is late.
o The first submission after the due date, if multiple late submissions are made, will
be considered for grading.
Please consider the grading rubric as the article is written.
Health Science News Article Expectations and Grading Rubric for CHS 211
Name: ______________________________
Grading Rubric: 33 points possible (11% of Final Grade)
1. Literary Elements: __________ (5 points)
a. The geographic scope of the article is appropriate and consistent.
b. The focus of the article is appropriate and consistent.
c. The article is pertinent to the audience (to an individual, community, environment, etc.).
d. The article is timely and/or clearly applicable to current events (breaking news, impactful,
applicable to current events).
e. There is a unique, attention grabbing angle for the article.
2. Information Sources: __________ (4 points)
a. All sources are identified to the audience.
b. The relevance and reliability is explained to the audience.
c. Any claims made in your article are attributed to a source.
d. All biases within your article and sources are identified.
3. Context: __________ (2 points)
a. Explanation of why the information presented is important scientifically and societally.
b. Identification of which ideas presented are widely accepted and which are preliminary.
4. Facts and Accuracy: __________ (3 points)
a. Scientific connections are evident.
b. Difficult concepts are explained.
c. Information is up to date and accurate.
5. Peer Review: ______ (9 points)
a. Constructive feedback is provided in discussion. (2 points)
b. Literary elements (as above) maintained and/or expanded and/or clarified. (2 point)
c. Facts and accuracy (as above) maintained and/or expanded and/or clarified. (2 point)
d. Context (as above) maintained and/or expanded and/or clarified. (1 point)
e. Peer review rewrite is under 300 words. (1 point)
f. Peer review rewrite is an eighth grade reading level. (1 point)
6. Elements of Style: __________ (10 points)
a. Article is 400 words or less. b. Logical transitions are employed.
c. APA style format is employed. d. Precise language and wording.
e. Article is unambiguous. f. Article is unassuming.
g. Accepted spelling is used throughout. h. Accepted grammar is employed.
i. Proper punctuation is employed. j. Free of mechanical errors.
Public?s View on Pharmacy Health Services