Order Description
Scholarly Critical Thinking: Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive, Dissociation, and Trauma-and Stressor-Related Disorders
After you have viewed and read this week’s materials participate in this scholarly discussion about treating anxiety disorders and what some effective strategies have been found to decrease barriers to accessing and retaining individuals in treatment.
You may also discuss how treatments compare and contrast with one another when treating different forms of anxiety. For example, consider agoraphobia and PTSD, what are the best treatment methods to use for these disorders?
Also consider how dissociation can be both protective and harmful to individuals who experienced trauma.
Note regarding Scholarly Critical Thinking Forums:
The discussion board facilitates the opportunity to clarify information and check out each other’s thoughts by engaging with each other about the material. Subsequently, your discussions reinforce what you are learning, invites critical thinking and reflection by learning about different perspectives and helps you articulate the information in a clear and logical way. Reading the discussion threads throughout the week will allow more time to process the information and formulate responses.
There is not a minimum or maximum of words however your posts must exhibit a well thought out scholarly initial post or response. You are also to avoid quoting material, as that will not help you articulate and synthesize the material. Students are required to respond by posting their scholarly responses a minimum of two times during the week. Your two postings may be either an initial post and a response or two responses to someone else’s postings. Whichever you choose the first of the two postings must take place by Wednesday or you will automatically loose 1 point. The points you earn for your postings will be reflective of the sustenance you offer towards the discussion and that you have fulfilled the criterion for each standard requirement. After the scheduled time for closing the discussion board has ended you may continue to discuss the material but there will not be any credit offered for late posts.
Evaluation Criteria for Critical Thinking Discussion Boards: Each person is required to provide a minimum of two scholarly posts to the discussion board. While each post is worth up to two points individually, I will take your two highest scores for your final score. Your final score will be graded on a 0 to 4 scale. Posts must be well written, include APA in-text citations and references and logically support your discussions. Incorporation of scholarly material must be from within the last 10 years of the publication date. ***Note: comments like, “I agree with you” or “That’s a good idea” does not reflect critical thought and are not scholarly. By providing critical thought you will prevent your grade from being reduced.
A score of 4 is the highest score you can achieve. To earn 4 points both of your posts must integrate other meaningful scholarly material from the past 10 years (cited appropriately) and will facilitate further discussion. Your posts are well written and demonstrate concepts learned with applications and examples. Overall pattern of posts exhibits that student’s optimal engagement (reading classmates’ posts) with the discussion board throughout the week and your first post is made by Wednesday.
A score of 3 is better than average work. At least one of the posts integrates other meaningful scholarly material within the last 10 years (cited appropriately) and facilitates further discussion. Posts are well-written and demonstrate concepts learned with applications and examples. Both posts also facilitate further discussion. Overall pattern of posts exhibits student is engaged in reading classmates’ posts and the discussions.
A score of 2 is average work that reviews the concepts and your interpretations and does little if anything to further the dialogue in either post. At least one of the posts integrates other meaningful scholarly material within the last 10 years (cited appropriately) and facilitates further discussion. Pattern of posts do not exhibit active engagement but the student is reading classmates’ postings.
A score of 1 means that only one post was made and/or one or both of the post(s) were below average. No scholarly material is included in either postings and student is reading less than 3/4th of classmates’ postings.
A score of 0 – Failure to post. Both posts reflect comments like, “I agree with you” or “That’s a good idea.” Student is reading less than 3/4th of classmates’ postings.