This assignment is designed to get you critically thinking and writing about how psychological issues are presented in the popular media. Magazine, newspaper, radio and tv accounts of psychological phenomena often are presented more to attract an audience than to provide fully accurate information. To complete this assignment, you will need to select five recent (within the past six months) media items. These can be magazine articles, newspaper articles, advertisements, commercials, radio broadcasts, or television news stories. For audio or visual items describe the item as closely as possible (e.g., by transcribing the script of a radio ad) or include a link to the item. For each item, include a brief essay–one to two pages, double-spaced typing– It’s essential to focus on the connections between the media item and psychological theories or research evidence. In addition, for each one of the items you are expected to find a relevant article from a psychology journal and include information from the article in your brief essay.
Psychology in the News