LAVC Psy12, Scenario 2Order DescriptionPsy 12 The Adolescent: Development, Relationships, and Culture
Textbook: The Adolescent: Development, Relationships, and Culture (Kim Gale Dolgin 13th Edition).
Use only 13th Edition of the textbook. Chapter #6Scenario # 2
You must include 5 concepts from minimum of 2 Learning Goal of the chapter # 6
Below is a scenario related to Chapter 6.
Steve has just experienced a major change in his voice. Sometimes he doesnt recognize that it is his. Actually, there are many things about himself that Steve does not recognize. He is no longer interested in playing soccer on a co-ed team because the girls are a distraction, and they need to be protected from guys on the opposing team. They take his mind off the game, and they cant play as well as the guys, anyway. Hes also finding that the girls he previously thought were too prissy are now enticing.
Steve also wants to enhance his image. He has started weight lifting, is much more interested in clothes than he used to be, and will be buying a motorcycle as soon as he gets his license. Of course he doesnt need a girlfriend, but it would be handy to have a girl for parties and driving around town.
Steves mother is both appalled and hurt by his magnified attention to gender differences. As a professional observing and experiencing sexism in the work environment, she has pointed out differences in salaries, job opportunities, and community expectations that place the onus on women to be extremely competent and well organized to be successful. Steve argues that men are in positions of greater responsibility and therefore must be confident about who they hire for various positions. Further, they should be adequately compensated for the additional responsibility. His mother hopes that this is a phase, and that it passes quickly.Scenario 2 relates to Chapter 6 from textbook.
As the title of this assignment implies, I provide you with a scenario, and you will analyze the content based on minimum of 5 concepts from a particular chapter from minimum of 2 Learning Goal of the chapter # 6
A scenario assignment gives us an opportunity to delve deeper into several selected chapter.
Your task is to read the scenario carefully and analyze it by selecting relevant information from Chapter 6.
You might find that some concepts readily and easily apply to the scenario and help you analyze it, and some other concepts might not provide you with any insight.
It does not matter which concepts you present, as long as you can justify your response by explaining it in detail.
Each concept you select from the textbook must be clearly stated and defined, followed by your explanation as to why that concept applies to the scenario.
Please underline the concept.
For example: Anovulatory means being without ovulation when menstrual cycle begins (page 91).
You must include 5 concepts from minimum of 2 Learning Goal of the chapter.
The scenario must be 500 to 600 words.
Psy 12 The Adolescent: Development, Relationships, and Culture Textbook: The Adolescent: Development, Relationships, and Culture (Kim Gale Dolgin 13th Edition). Use only 13th Edition of the textbook. Chapter #6