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REPORT This assignment must be your own work. It is acceptable to discuss course content with others to improve your understanding and clarify requirements, but solutions to assignment questions must be done on your own. You must not copy from anyone, including tutors and fellow students, nor allow others to copy your work. All Assignments will be checked using collusion monitoring tools to ensure that each assignment is the original work of the submitting student. Assignments that do not adhere to this requirement will be deemed as being the result of collusion or plagiarism. This may lead to severe academic penalties as outlined in USQ Policy Library: Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure. It is your own responsibility to ensure the integrity of your work. Refer to the USQ Policy Library for more details: ? Academic Integrity Policy ? Academic Integrity Procedure In completing this assignment, you are expected to use available resources such as the practical activities in the study modules, the Course Study Desk – especially the Discussion Forums (click the Study Desk link on UConnect – ), as well as exploring and experimenting on your own. Learning objectives and graduate skills tested This assignment relates to your ability to demonstrate your understanding of the various components of an online business, aligning them with a business’ strategic requirements and objectives and communicating them to the client as a tangible product for their consideration and evaluation. Assignment Requirements Your web site proposal and presentation (Assignment 1) was accepted, subject to any feedback you may have received. As the second stage of the tender process, your company has been asked to develop and present  a prototype (a minimal viable product) of your suggested website before a final decision is taken whether to take on your services or not. TASK 1: PROTOTYPE IMPLEMENTATION (60 marks) 1. Use the assigned URL supplied to you by your Course Leader to develop a preliminary prototype of your proposed e-commerce website. a. REMINDER: Ensure that the prototype is directly and obviously related to the business model/category that was assigned to you. Failure to do so will result in your assignment being rejected and a zero mark awarded. 2. Configure the site with a menu and navigation links to (at the very minimum) the following content pages: a. Home page (including a company banner and logo, and navigation menu) b. About page c. Product/information page/s (include descriptions, prices and images) d. Company Policies page i. Returns and refunds ii. Security iii. Privacy and confidentiality e. Contacts page You will not be required to install WordPress on your computer. Instead you will be provided access to a pre-installed WordPress development environment provided by cloudaccess.net via a url link assigned to each student. Instructions to access your cloudaccess.net website will be provided on the StudyDesk. Task 1 will be assessed for completeness and working functionality based on an inspection of your website. TASK 2: BRIEFING REPORT (essay format) (40 marks) Prepare and submit a briefing document (about 1000 words) with appropriate numbering, headings and sub-headings on completion of the development of the prototype. Include the following in your briefing document: 1. Identify the URL of the website and your assigned business model/category in the first part of the report. 2. Describe the website structure and the purpose of each element (include snapshots and diagrams where appropriate).3. List the WordPress components and features you used in the development of the prototype. 4. Describe the components and features you plan to include in the final product (should your company be awarded the contract). 5. Explain any changes you have implemented (or plan to implement) that deviates from your initial proposal and presentation from Assignment 1. 6. List and briefly describe any links and resources that you have used, as well as any that you are likely to use in the building of the fully functional website. Submission Guidelines Attach the Word file using the naming convention below, to your online assignment submission in the Assignment 2 area on the CIS5101 StudyDesk before midnight Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) on the day the assignment is due. [lastname] / [initial]_[student number]_[course code]_ assign1.docx eg. allym_0090011005_cis5101_assign2.docx Upon completion of the submission process, check your uConnect email account for an automatically generated confirmation email (if you do not have an email account, print out the Submission Complete screen before exiting the Submission System). You must check that the file name and file size are listed correctly – if there is a problem with either, please email the course leader immediately. Please note that: ? ? ? The following is the USQ Assessment – Assignment (Late Submission) and Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances procedure that relate to Extensions and Late Assignments. They can be found under the following links: ? Assessment – Assignment (Late Submission) Procedure: http://policy.usq.edu.au/documents.php?id=14749PL#4.2_Assignments ? Assessment of Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances Procedures: http://policy.usq.edu.au/documents.php?id=131150PL Students seeking extensions for any Assignment work must provide appropriate documentation to support their request before the due date of the assignment (see points 4.3 and 4.4 in the Assessment of Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances Procedures above to see what is considered as Compassionate and Compelling reason for an extension and the level of documentation that will be needed). An Assignment submitted after the due date without an approved extension of time will be penalised. The penalty for late submission is a reduction by five percent (5%) of the maximum Mark applicable for the Assignment, for each University Business Day or part Business Day that the Assignment is late. An Assignment submitted more than ten (10) University Business Days after the due date will have a Mark of zero recorded for that Assignment. ? The StudyDesk Assignments submission tool will accept late assignments up until 23:55pm on the 10th University Business Day after the due date.

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