: Translate each of the following statements into symbolic form. Use the letters given in parentheses for the symbolization. 1. Your ice is not cold. (I) I¬ 2. My car does not look great, but it gets great gas mileage. (C, M) C¬M 3. Either candy or tobacco is bad for your teeth. (C, T) ¬C ¬T 4. Toothpaste is good for your teeth, but tobacco is not. (T, B) T ∧, ¬B 5. Driving too fast is hazardous to your health; also driving without buckling up. (F, B) F∧, ¬B 6. Lava lamps are distracting while music in the background is soothing. (L, M) L ∧, M ∧ 7. Unless you stop eating too much pepperoni, you will develop a stomach ulcer
Propositional Logic. PHIL200_s12_hw_4 Custom Essay