Assignment 1 Part 2 FAQ
The second part of this Assignment 1 will look at the Introduction of a specific case study. This will include a project already designed by one of these multilateral agencies. The assignment is to
include 1) the relevance for the project at local, country and addressing the MDGs, 2) project scope and objectives including the LogFrame and 3) expected beneficiaries and overall intended
benefits – 1000 words.
The relevance for the project at local, country and addressing the MDGs’ and what exactly is meant by ‘local and country levels’ and ‘How do we assess this relevance, against what criteria? I
understand the MDG section, but need clarification on the other sections.’
This part of the assignment question is asking you to simply make a link between the activities at what is essentially a local level program i.e. barangay level (in Kalahi project) to provide local
level infrastructure services. However, while some international and local NGO’s for example may be able to provide local projects in relative isolation the World Bank (as your research will no
doubt find) tends to work at the country level with national governments that it enters into loans agreements with for aid and development funds. The World Bank like just about all aid agencies
is also committed to the MDGs which are at the global level (hint I would recommend in the assignment putting a reference to which MDG (s) this project will relate to (i.e. intends to have a
positive impact on achieving).
So we need to make a simple link between the local level and the national level. How will this project have a positive impact (i.e. ’benefit’) for the country? after all the loan is with the national
government and the country as a whole will need to pay the loan so how is this project in the national interest? The answer lies in the most part in the types of activities the project is involved
in; local services are best delivered through local agencies that are close to the people they seek to serve. However, at the national level all of these local level projects and programs have an
impact in assisting the national government to address the widespread issue of poverty reduction and economic development etc. Have a look at the national level poverty relates issues in the
Philippines National Development Plan http://www.neda.gov.ph/ads/mtpdp/MTPDP2004-2010/PDF/MTPDP2004-2010.html.
Chapter 12 – Responding to Basic Needs of the Poor is as attached. It states: Philippine poverty is basically rural poverty since almost three out of four (or 73%) of the total number of poor in the
country reside in the rural areas. The poverty level in rural areas is much higher at 48.8 percent against 18.6 percent in urban areas. This means almost 5 out of 10 rural residents are poor
compared with almost 2 out of 10 urban residents. So, in basic terms, what is the ‘relevance’ of this local level project in meeting these national development issues? The project development
objective of KALAHI-CIDSS ‘ to strengthen the participation of local communities in barangay governance and develop their capacity to design, implement, and manage development activities
that reduce poverty.’
The first part of this Assignment 1 will look at the work of a) multilateral agencies such as the World Bank and the regional development banks, and b) bilateral agencies such as AusAID. You
should outline 1) objectives and scope, 2) resources, and the 3) kinds of activities that these organisations pursue. Useful web page addresses are: www.worldbank.org, www.adb.org,
www.afdb.org, www.ebrd.com, www.iabd.org, www.ausaid.gov.au– 1000 words.
The Second Part of Assignment 1 will look at the Introduction of a specific case study. This will include a project already designed by one of these multilateral agencies. The assignment is to
include 1) the relevance for the project at local, country and addressing the MDGs, 2) project scope and objectives including the LogFrame and 3) expected beneficiaries and overall intended
benefits – 1000 words.
KALAHI-CIDSS is the Philippine government’s flagship poverty-alleviation project implemented by the Department of Social Welfare and Development through the financial support of the World
Bank. It stands for Kapit-Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan- Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services.
http://www.mcap.ph/kalahi- project
http://www.mcap.ph/kalahi- project/project-update
Do we research both multilateral and bilateral agencies in the first section?’
The first part of this Assignment 1 will look at the work of a) multilateral agencies such as the World Bank and the regional development banks, and b) bilateral agencies such as AusAID. You
should outline 1) objectives and scope, 2) resources, and the 3) kinds of activities that these organisations pursue. Useful web page addresses are: www.worldbank.org, www.adb.org,
www.afdb.org, www.ebrd.com, www.iabd.org, www.ausaid.gov.au– 1000 words.
Yes the assignment should look at both. It is better if you deal with each of the three types of organisations and deal with each together under the three sections. Therefore a) multilateral
agencies such as the World Bank and the regional development banks, and b) bilateral agencies such as AusAID are discussed together under ’1) objectives and scope’ and then discussed together
under ’2) resources’ and then discussed together under ’3) kinds of activities that these organisations pursue’.
This makes this section a kind of ‘compare and contrast’ part of the assignment. For example under the first heading ‘1) objectives and scope’ – AusAID provides about $USD 4 billion in aid each
year where as the World Bank is many many times more than this and the regional development banks are somewhere in the middle. All provide technical assistance but some specialise in certain
sectors of the economy e.g. Australia is big on agriculture, the regional development banks traditionally have been big on physical infrastructure and the World Bank covers just about
everything but under different Bank Presidents the World Bank has had different focuses. Each organisation has certain geographic regions of focus – Australia is focused on SE Asia and the
Pacific, the ADB on Asia and The World Bank as the name suggests is geographically spread all over the developing world.
What is the second part of Assignment 1 about?
The second part of this Assignment 1 will look at the Introduction of a specific case study. This will include a project already designed by one of these multilateral agencies (Kalahi project in the
Philippines) or you can choose your own project. The assignment is to include 1) the relevance for the project at local, country and addressing the MDGs, 2) project scope and objectives
including the project logic (logframe) and 3) expected beneficiaries and overall intended benefits – 1000 words.
The objective of this part of the assignment is for students to gain a fundamental understanding of a real development project and the logic behind its project design i.e after having outlined
some of the key types of development projects funded by these organisations in the first part of the assignment you are being asked here to look at how this translates down into a specific
project. How does this project ‘fit’ into the scope of the charter of the World Bank and through what activities and outputs is it trying to meet its poverty reduction goals?
As in Part 1 of assignment 1 you will need to cover each of the 3 sections; this can best be done under a heading for each of the three areas.
You are not expected to develop or include a LogFrame but only to identify the type of information commonly required in the LogFrame such as very succinctly: the project’s goal, purpose,
component objectives and outputs and how these interrelate.
The discussion on expected beneficiaries and intended benefits only needs to be succinct and just to identify not assess the benefits. The assessment of these benefits will be undertaken though
the tools of financial appraisal, cost benefit analysis and alternative methods of program evaluation in Assignment 2 which will build on your work on Assignment 1.
Assignment 1 is a ‘Report’ .
The purpose of a Report is outlined succinctly on the BlackBoard tab ‘ Study Skills – Assessment Tasks – Reports’. As a report your assignment does not need to argue a range of views on a
question as an essay would need to. The assignment report is basically a statement of facts taken from the work of others and synthesised to demonstrate that you have read and understood
the material, and have drawn some broad conclusions about how the information fits together i.e. the types and structure of aid organisations and connect this to an actual example as given.
As such, your assignment does not even need to go the point that most business reports need to in their conclusion of making recommendations on how to proceed/recommended option etc.
This assignment is purely a factual report that can be written in short paragraph form under key heading as provided in the assignment question.
It will need reference appropriately for a university assignment and the Harvard style is recommended, refer to the left tab on the BlackBoard ‘Study Skills – Referencing – Harvard’. Reference as
much as you can and resists long blocks of text or constant referencing from the same source. As much of the material is on the web include the details as per the Harvard referencing style and