project Manegement
Order Description
Please make sure no plagiarism, I will upload all the documents needed.
Please note that this task is a group assignment, I have two people who are working with me on the same task.
We have already chosen the topic that we want to write about in the project. Have a look at the word document (60903 assessment 2)
My part is the one highlighted by blue (person A) .Have a look at the word document (60903 assessment 2).
o Introduction
o Project Management Approach
o Project Scope
o Milestone List
o Schedule Baseline and Work Breakdown Structure
o Change Management Plan
Project Scope
Summarise milestone schedule
there are very few details on the project included here, we have yet to complete the entire picture. Attached is the information regarding the proposed venue you will find it in the pdf document (function. Venue 2016), this might be of help to the budget and other technical details for the event preparation.
project Manegement