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project communication plan

Order Description
Go to an internet search engine (e.g. Google) and type in “project communication plan.” Check three or four that have “.gov” as their source. How are they similar or dissimilar? What would be your conclusion concerning the importance of an internal communication plan?

The remainder of your grade evaluates your knowledge of more traditional writing skills (such as the use of supporting data, sequencing, grammar/mechanics and the ability to paraphrase data.)

Pertinent supporting information can be found by accessing the following website: https://lib1.bmcc.cuny.edu/help/citing/citingapa.html and its associated links.

** A citation maker can be found here: https://www.calvin.edu/library/knightcite/index.php

** Other APA style guides can be found here: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
and here: https://www.wisc.edu/writing/Handbook/DocAPA.html

Students in Introductory Psychology are required to provide a minimum of 5 professional sources. And no reference source may be utilized more than once. In other words, you while you may use a given reference as many times as you wish, each discrete piece of data counts only once. You may use difference data by the same author as a second source; but a different section of a given article will only count once.

Reference data can be taken only from peer reviewed professional journals found on databases such as Psychinfo or Psycharticles. If you have difficulty accessing these databases, contact the reference librarians.

THE PSYCHINFO DATABASE CAN BE FOUND HERE: https://lib2.bmcc.cuny.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=psyh

APA and most other forms of professional research writing requires that every reference cited in your reference list must be mentioned at least once in your paper proper; each piece of data that is referenced in your paper proper must have a corresponding entry in the reference list. There are clearly delineated formats required by this style.

As you review the literature, you will notice almost no direct citation of others’ work. Just about everything is paraphrased. This should apply to your work as well.

Therefore, direct citation of other authors’ work is prohibited. You are to paraphrase (put into your own words) all referenced material. Should you cite the author’s data (even correctly and legally) in a word-for-word manner, the amount of data you use will be deducted from your paper score. For example, if 10% of your work represents the writing of others, then a 10% deduction will be applied to your grade. And so on.
The scoring/grading rubric which follows is divided into two sections. Errors pertaining to the first section tend to reflect the work of students who for one reason or the other (or perhaps more) choose to do things “in their own way…” or certainly who do not follow directions. These papers generally receive very low grades.
Section I:

**If your paper does not meet the minimum standard for length, 20 points will be deducted from your total. This is PER PAGE. This means that if your paper is 3 pages long, then you can expect your MAXIMUM GRADE to be an 70.

Note that for a page to be counted as such, more than half of it must contain words that you have typed.

**If your reference list contains less than 5 peer reviewed items, 10 points will be deducted for each missing source. Remember, only peer reviewed data is acceptable (as outlined above.)

**Papers containing text (body) but NO reference list shall receive a mandatory score of 0

**If you provide a reference list (correctly formatted or not) but fail to cite any of the authors it contains, then your maximum grade shall be a 50.

**Significant Plagiarism (defined by a total score of 40% or higher as reported by Turnitin.com) will invalidate the entire paper leading to a grade of 0 on the paper. If you receive this grade, then your chances of passing the course are extremely unlikely. Other disciplinary actions may also be enforced.

Milder cases of plagiarism shall be handled as described below:
###10-15% = 20 point deduction
###16-25% = 30 point deduction
###26-39% = 45 point deduction
Most papers easily pass through the first stage and are then evaluated according to the following rubric:

CATEGORY Unacceptable (Below Standards) Adequate
(Minimally Meets Standards) Good (Occasionally Exceeds standards) Excellent (consistently exceeds Standards) SCORE

Introduction Does not adequately convey topic. Does not describe subtopics to be reviewed.
Lacks adequate theses statement.
(1 pt) Conveys topic, but not key question(s).
Describes subtopics to be reviewed. General theses statement.
(2 pts) Conveys topic and key question(s). Clearly delineates subtopics to be reviewed. General thesis statement.
(3-4 pts) Strong introduction of topic’s key question(s), terms. Clearly delineates subtopics to be reviewed. Specific thesis statement.
(5 pts)
5 points
Conclusion Does not summarize evidence with respect to thesis statement.
Does not discuss the impact of researched material on topic.
(1 pt)
Review of key conclusions. Some integration with thesis statement.
Discusses impact of researched material on topic.
(2 pts) Strong review of key conclusions. Strong integration with thesis statement. Discusses impact of researched material on topic.
(3-4 pts) Strong review of key conclusions. Strong integration with thesis statement.
Insightful discussion of impact of the researched material on topic.
(5 pts) 5 points
Grammar, Mechanics and flow (sequence) of paper Grammatical errors or spelling
& punctuation substantially detract from the paper. Cases in this category are generally unreadable.

Sequence is choppy with little logical coherence or flow.
(0-5 pts)
Few grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors exist.

However those which occur interfere with reading the paper.

Articles are interpreted individually rather than as part of the whole
(6-10 pts) Grammatical errors or spelling & punctuation are rare and do not detract from the paper.

There is coherence to thinking and organization, but some logical gaps remain
(11-15 pts) The paper is free of grammatical errors and spelling
& punctuation.

Sequencing and coherence help the reader understand the writer’s point.
(16-20 pts) 20 points


Quality of research data supplied
Reference data consists of nothing but websites; or provided data is taken from non-peer reviewed journals exclusively

Reference data contains both peer reviewed and non peer reviewed data with the latter out numbering the former
Most data is correct, (peer reviewed); however, one or two references are of dubious quality.

All reference data is peer reviewed and properly formatted.

(31-35) 35 points
Knowledge of APA Citation and references. Knowledge of proper formatting rules Reference and citation errors detract significantly
from the paper. There are several references that are incorrectly formatted or cited; there are several “widdows” and “orphans”; and in general, data presented can not be found by the average reader.
(0-10) Three (3) or more
references or citations are missing essential data or incorrectly written. (this applies both to the reference list and the paper itself.
(11-20) Two (2)
references or citations are missing essential data or incorrectly written. (this applies both to the reference list and the paper itself
(21-30) At most one citation error is present Other than that, references and citations are correctly written and present..
(31-35) 35 points
About half way through the semester, you will be required to EMAIL me a one (1) page annotated bibliography of your topic/data. We will go over this in class, and a handout shall be presented to you outlining the nature of this intermediary assignment. It shall be used as a tool to provide you with feedback as to your progress.

Once your research project has been turned in, there will be no opportunity to rewrite, edit, resubmit or change it in any way. However, you are encouraged to submit as many “COMPLETE rough drafts” to me as you wish prior to the due date and I shall be happy to assist you in any way possible.

Please make note of the due date for the project; and be aware that lateness is charged at 20 pts per calendar day (including weekends).

If you have any questions about any of the above, consult one of the tutors in the library or ask me before you submit your final project.

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

project communication plan

Order Description
Go to an internet search engine (e.g. Google) and type in “project communication plan.” Check three or four that have “.gov” as their source. How are they similar or dissimilar? What would be your conclusion concerning the importance of an internal communication plan?

The remainder of your grade evaluates your knowledge of more traditional writing skills (such as the use of supporting data, sequencing, grammar/mechanics and the ability to paraphrase data.)

Pertinent supporting information can be found by accessing the following website: https://lib1.bmcc.cuny.edu/help/citing/citingapa.html and its associated links.

** A citation maker can be found here: https://www.calvin.edu/library/knightcite/index.php

** Other APA style guides can be found here: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
and here: https://www.wisc.edu/writing/Handbook/DocAPA.html

Students in Introductory Psychology are required to provide a minimum of 5 professional sources. And no reference source may be utilized more than once. In other words, you while you may use a given reference as many times as you wish, each discrete piece of data counts only once. You may use difference data by the same author as a second source; but a different section of a given article will only count once.

Reference data can be taken only from peer reviewed professional journals found on databases such as Psychinfo or Psycharticles. If you have difficulty accessing these databases, contact the reference librarians.

THE PSYCHINFO DATABASE CAN BE FOUND HERE: https://lib2.bmcc.cuny.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=psyh

APA and most other forms of professional research writing requires that every reference cited in your reference list must be mentioned at least once in your paper proper; each piece of data that is referenced in your paper proper must have a corresponding entry in the reference list. There are clearly delineated formats required by this style.

As you review the literature, you will notice almost no direct citation of others’ work. Just about everything is paraphrased. This should apply to your work as well.

Therefore, direct citation of other authors’ work is prohibited. You are to paraphrase (put into your own words) all referenced material. Should you cite the author’s data (even correctly and legally) in a word-for-word manner, the amount of data you use will be deducted from your paper score. For example, if 10% of your work represents the writing of others, then a 10% deduction will be applied to your grade. And so on.
The scoring/grading rubric which follows is divided into two sections. Errors pertaining to the first section tend to reflect the work of students who for one reason or the other (or perhaps more) choose to do things “in their own way…” or certainly who do not follow directions. These papers generally receive very low grades.
Section I:

**If your paper does not meet the minimum standard for length, 20 points will be deducted from your total. This is PER PAGE. This means that if your paper is 3 pages long, then you can expect your MAXIMUM GRADE to be an 70.

Note that for a page to be counted as such, more than half of it must contain words that you have typed.

**If your reference list contains less than 5 peer reviewed items, 10 points will be deducted for each missing source. Remember, only peer reviewed data is acceptable (as outlined above.)

**Papers containing text (body) but NO reference list shall receive a mandatory score of 0

**If you provide a reference list (correctly formatted or not) but fail to cite any of the authors it contains, then your maximum grade shall be a 50.

**Significant Plagiarism (defined by a total score of 40% or higher as reported by Turnitin.com) will invalidate the entire paper leading to a grade of 0 on the paper. If you receive this grade, then your chances of passing the course are extremely unlikely. Other disciplinary actions may also be enforced.

Milder cases of plagiarism shall be handled as described below:
###10-15% = 20 point deduction
###16-25% = 30 point deduction
###26-39% = 45 point deduction
Most papers easily pass through the first stage and are then evaluated according to the following rubric:

CATEGORY Unacceptable (Below Standards) Adequate
(Minimally Meets Standards) Good (Occasionally Exceeds standards) Excellent (consistently exceeds Standards) SCORE

Introduction Does not adequately convey topic. Does not describe subtopics to be reviewed.
Lacks adequate theses statement.
(1 pt) Conveys topic, but not key question(s).
Describes subtopics to be reviewed. General theses statement.
(2 pts) Conveys topic and key question(s). Clearly delineates subtopics to be reviewed. General thesis statement.
(3-4 pts) Strong introduction of topic’s key question(s), terms. Clearly delineates subtopics to be reviewed. Specific thesis statement.
(5 pts)
5 points
Conclusion Does not summarize evidence with respect to thesis statement.
Does not discuss the impact of researched material on topic.
(1 pt)
Review of key conclusions. Some integration with thesis statement.
Discusses impact of researched material on topic.
(2 pts) Strong review of key conclusions. Strong integration with thesis statement. Discusses impact of researched material on topic.
(3-4 pts) Strong review of key conclusions. Strong integration with thesis statement.
Insightful discussion of impact of the researched material on topic.
(5 pts) 5 points
Grammar, Mechanics and flow (sequence) of paper Grammatical errors or spelling
& punctuation substantially detract from the paper. Cases in this category are generally unreadable.

Sequence is choppy with little logical coherence or flow.
(0-5 pts)
Few grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors exist.

However those which occur interfere with reading the paper.

Articles are interpreted individually rather than as part of the whole
(6-10 pts) Grammatical errors or spelling & punctuation are rare and do not detract from the paper.

There is coherence to thinking and organization, but some logical gaps remain
(11-15 pts) The paper is free of grammatical errors and spelling
& punctuation.

Sequencing and coherence help the reader understand the writer’s point.
(16-20 pts) 20 points


Quality of research data supplied
Reference data consists of nothing but websites; or provided data is taken from non-peer reviewed journals exclusively

Reference data contains both peer reviewed and non peer reviewed data with the latter out numbering the former
Most data is correct, (peer reviewed); however, one or two references are of dubious quality.

All reference data is peer reviewed and properly formatted.

(31-35) 35 points
Knowledge of APA Citation and references. Knowledge of proper formatting rules Reference and citation errors detract significantly
from the paper. There are several references that are incorrectly formatted or cited; there are several “widdows” and “orphans”; and in general, data presented can not be found by the average reader.
(0-10) Three (3) or more
references or citations are missing essential data or incorrectly written. (this applies both to the reference list and the paper itself.
(11-20) Two (2)
references or citations are missing essential data or incorrectly written. (this applies both to the reference list and the paper itself
(21-30) At most one citation error is present Other than that, references and citations are correctly written and present..
(31-35) 35 points
About half way through the semester, you will be required to EMAIL me a one (1) page annotated bibliography of your topic/data. We will go over this in class, and a handout shall be presented to you outlining the nature of this intermediary assignment. It shall be used as a tool to provide you with feedback as to your progress.

Once your research project has been turned in, there will be no opportunity to rewrite, edit, resubmit or change it in any way. However, you are encouraged to submit as many “COMPLETE rough drafts” to me as you wish prior to the due date and I shall be happy to assist you in any way possible.

Please make note of the due date for the project; and be aware that lateness is charged at 20 pts per calendar day (including weekends).

If you have any questions about any of the above, consult one of the tutors in the library or ask me before you submit your final project.

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