This ad is about Wacoal, is an ethical ads. This ad shows that the pink colour in background is representing woman. The big logo seems like a ribbon that shows in the ad is suitable the title of the campaign which is “Pink Ribbon Fitting Campaign” and inside the number of ribbon is to check the size of breast. The concept of this ad is creating the awareness of breast cancer.
They use “FITTING 30,000 WOMEN AND MORE” as their headline is to attract more audience to join the campaign and get the most impact of awareness. The body copy of the ad is talk about that get early detection saves lives. According MAKNA (National Cancer Council), approximately 1 in 19 women in Malaysia is at risk of getting breast cancer. You can join the campaign and test with the mammography can detect up to 90% of breast cancer cases. The survival rate of breast cancer detected in its initial stages is as high as 85% with appropriate treatment.
Wacoal supports Pink Ribbon initiatives worldwide that contribute to the fight against breast cancer. These initiatives help to raise awareness about the importance of breast cancer screening, early detection, and immediate treatment of the disease. Wacoal is committed to making women look and feel beautiful and that starts with helping them to be strong.