Programming Assignment
For this assignment, to earn full credit you must complete the following within MS SQL Server 2014:
(Completion of creating the Sample Database and couple ADDITIONAL steps)
1) Create a new database (such as COM340Database1)
2) Create a webUser account and grant it access.
3) Create a Product table.
4) Create a Stored Procedure for Inserting into the Product table and name it [dbo].[addProduct]
5) Create a Stored Procedure for Selecting from the Product table and name it [dbo].[getAllProducts]
6) Create a Stored Procedure for Updating a record in the Product table and name it [dbo].[updateProduct]
7) Create a Stored Procedure for Deleting a record by ID from the Product table and name it [dbo].[deleteProduct]
8) Grant webUser execute access to ALL stored procedures.
9 – 14) Repeat the above steps 3 through 8 for a new table that matches your project.
Remember to use:
Programming Assignment

Programming Assignment

Programming Assignment
For this assignment, to earn full credit you must complete the following within MS SQL Server 2014:
(Completion of creating the Sample Database and couple ADDITIONAL steps)
1) Create a new database (such as COM340Database1)
2) Create a webUser account and grant it access.
3) Create a Product table.
4) Create a Stored Procedure for Inserting into the Product table and name it [dbo].[addProduct]
5) Create a Stored Procedure for Selecting from the Product table and name it [dbo].[getAllProducts]
6) Create a Stored Procedure for Updating a record in the Product table and name it [dbo].[updateProduct]
7) Create a Stored Procedure for Deleting a record by ID from the Product table and name it [dbo].[deleteProduct]
8) Grant webUser execute access to ALL stored procedures.
9 – 14) Repeat the above steps 3 through 8 for a new table that matches your project.
Remember to use: