pressure ulcer (Quantitative and Qualitative methods)
Order Description
The assignment is a 5000 word assignment, in which a literature search that focuses on an area related to practice is outlined, leading to the selection of 2 pieces of research, 1 qualitative and 1 quantitative, which are then discussed and critiqued.The module focuses on supporting students to develop skills in searching for and appraising research literature, and becoming aware of the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to research. Within a written assignment there is the opportunity to reflect upon the process of choosing 2 sources in the literature search, and then analysing and critiquing the pieces on which the student chooses to focus.
pressure ulcer (Quantitative and Qualitative methods)

pressure ulcer (Quantitative and Qualitative methods)

pressure ulcer (Quantitative and Qualitative methods)
Order Description
The assignment is a 5000 word assignment, in which a literature search that focuses on an area related to practice is outlined, leading to the selection of 2 pieces of research, 1 qualitative and 1 quantitative, which are then discussed and critiqued.The module focuses on supporting students to develop skills in searching for and appraising research literature, and becoming aware of the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to research. Within a written assignment there is the opportunity to reflect upon the process of choosing 2 sources in the literature search, and then analysing and critiquing the pieces on which the student chooses to focus.
pressure ulcer (Quantitative and Qualitative methods)

pressure ulcer (Quantitative and Qualitative methods)
Order Description
The assignment is a 5000 word assignment, in which a literature search that focuses on an area related to practice is outlined, leading to the selection of 2 pieces of research, 1 qualitative and 1 quantitative, which are then discussed and critiqued.The module focuses on supporting students to develop skills in searching for and appraising research literature, and becoming aware of the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to research. Within a written assignment there is the opportunity to reflect upon the process of choosing 2 sources in the literature search, and then analysing and critiquing the pieces on which the student chooses to focus.