position paper
Order Description
For the following topic, explain the differing viewp01oints and take a position that reflects your view. Pick one side or the other, not “it depends,” and be persuasive about your view. You must use at least four (4) sources of research and list and cite your sources. Avoid long quotes lifted from your sources.
Should employers use LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, or other forms of social media in their hiring
i. Your paper should include a consideration of the pros and cons for an organization to use social media to identify candidates, as part of a background check, or in some other way, as well as the pros and cons from the job candidate perspective. You should have at least eight (8) pros and eight (8) cons – more if you want a better grade. For the cons, also discuss how the risks associated with those cons could be mitigated. Support your position – on both the pros/cons and mitigating the risks – with facts rather than emotional arguments.
ii. You will be required to submit a 1-2 page outline showing how you intend to organize the presentation of your ideas and listing the specific points that you plan to make for the pros and cons. Also indicate the position that you intend to take.
words should be more than 2000