The idea behind this essay is that it be thesis-driven. This is to say, the paper will be advancing an argument, a way of explaining an issue or dynamic relating to Israel.Our first step is to walk through the process of arriving at a topic, narrowing it down to a central theme and then fashioning a thesis. Broadly speaking, the thesis bit involves two critical steps:(a) the development of an interesting research question and(b) the deployment of a thesis meant to address that puzzlement. I. Structural Considerations Title Include two dimensions to your title.The first should be descriptive language (the papers subject-matter).And, the second, should refer more specifically to your main point, your thesis, your argument.Introduction Right at the start, we should have a statement of the topics importance, its relevance.You are trying here to establish the salience of the subject-matter, why it matters. In this section you can also provide a brief overview of the papers scope and purpose.That is to say, state the puzzle, or the question under review, and then state your thesis, your argument. (This could take place at the end of your introduction).To give emphasis to your thesis (your argument) you might put it in italics.I. Background Here you can provide a sense of the historical context of your subject-matter. This would be the place to introduce the main players and central issues involved. Try to be efficient with this and not allow the story- telling to dominate the paper.II. The Puzzle At this point, you can present the puzzle (the question) under examination. It would also be appropriate to mention some of the existing theories or approaches on this subject-matter. You are then acknowledging the literature that exists on the topic and giving brief description of the leading ways of thinking about the problem. Then, you are trying to identify gaps in the existing explanations and assert the need for greater clarification, which is meant to be your contribution. 2III. Argument Now we come to the case you are trying to make. At this point in the paper, three things will have already happened: (a) youve established the importance of the topic;(b) youve also provided the historical context; and(c) stated the puzzle and why a better explanation is needed. So, at this point, your thesis can be stated and elaborated upon. The burden of your paper should be devoted to the defense of your thesis, your argument.You might, in this connection, choose three themes that related to your argument and allow them to structure this section of the essay. Remember, you are not trying to tell the story of your topic as much as you are seeking to elaborate upon your thesis.Conclusion This is a place to refer back to your basic theme, the overall purpose of the paper. You might also take this opportunity to restate your thesis and its value. A few words regarding its future relevance would also be appropriate here.II. Technical ConsiderationsA. Sources Your sources should be lavish. Think of them in terms of three domains of source-material(1) academic books and journal articles,(2) popular publications such as news magazines and(3) newspaper reports. The JSTOR site will be important here, as will Project Muse and a number of other aggregates available from your library service. Look also into the back issues of the Palestine Post, the New York Times, the Times of London and other publications available in your library system.B. Style About the style of the composition, three quick points should suffice. First, you will not need a title page, just get right to it (name, course number in upper left or right). Second, use a conventional typeface, with twelve point font (times new roman) and standard margins. Third, in addition to your paper title, use section-headings to announce points of transition in the essay (a single word or a short phrase that captures the essence of what is coming in the section).C. Citations Please use footnotes after the fashion of the Chicago Manual of Style. With regard to the footnotes, remember to put them in times new roman and bring them down to ten point font. Also, provide a bibliography
Politics of Israel