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Political science

Paper details:Four page bonus points essay (worth 5 points).
An Analyst Report on the Future of the Chinese Communist Party


After two weeks at my new job as a security analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), I was asked by my superior to provide a report on two challenges facing the Chinese communist party and predict if these challenges would lead to the collapse of the party. The communist party in China has been in power for over seventy years. However, with the onset of the economic reforms started by Deng Xioping in the late 1980s China has undergone unprecedented socio-economic changes. These major transformations have made it increasingly difficult for a closed and elitist communist party to maintain control over a large and diverse country. Thus, in my short report, I predicted that ________________ and ________________ challenges probably would (or not) result in the collapse of the party. I organize my report into three subsequent paragraphs. In paragraphs two and three I identify the two major challenges that the communist party faces and then in paragraph four I explain why I believe these two challenges will (or will not) contribute to the collapse of the party.

Paragraph 2. (Challenge 1)

Paragraph 3. (Challenge 2)

Paragraph 4. (The relationship between the challenges and collapse)

Doomsday Preparing for China’s Collapse The National Interest.pdfIs

China Really Cracking Up ChinaFile.pdf

Q. and A. David Shambaugh on the Risks to Chinese Communist Rule – NYTimes.com.pdf

The Coming Collapse of China.pdf

The Ten Grave Problems Facing China The China Story.pdf
Watch Video
YouTube URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pngdQo205fM
The essay is double spaced and it has to be 2 pages in length. Also, you need to cite, at least, two sources. The textbook, wikipedia, google, yahoo are not sources. They are resources; therefore, do not cite them!

Citation references can take the following formats –

If you place them in the text, they should be incorporated in this way. According to John Smith (1999, p. 3) …. or Guanxi has led to individuals using personal contracts to curry favor with officials in return for bribes (Bauer, 2003, pp. 20-23). The full citation of the reference – book, article, newspaper source is placed at the end of the paper as a bibliography. For example, John Smith 1999. Corruption in China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Or you can use footnotes. For example, According to John Smith, trade has …. resulted in increased dependency …[1] With the full citation in the footnote at the bottom of the page.
[1] John Smith 1999. Corruption. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 3.

How to cite newspaper, magazine or journals articles

James Poniewozik, “TV Makes a Too-Close Call.” Time 20 Nov. 2000: 70-71.

Bill Brubaker, “New Health Center Targets County’s Uninsured Patients.” Washington Post 24 May 2000.

Alanda Beats, “Conflicting Nationalisms: The Voice of the Subaltern in Mahasweta Devi’s Bashai Tudu.” Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 15.1 (1996): 41-50

Junge Wolfgang and Nathan Nelson. “Nature’s Rotary Electromotors.” Science 29 Apr. 2005: 642-44. Science Online. Web. 5 Mar. 2009.

Grading Rubric

I. Clearly illustrate problems of corruption in China.

Poor = 1.2 Points; Average = 1.5 Points; Strong = 1.8 Points; Excellent = 2 Points

II. Clearly defines and explain Guanxi and how it likely relates to problems of corruption in China

Poor = 1.2 Points; Average = 1.5 Points; Strong = 1.8 Points; Excellent = 2 Points

III. Uses the conclusion to reinforce the main essay themes

Poor = 0.6 Points; Average = 0.75 Points; Strong = 0.9 Points; Excellent = 1 Points

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