Does the unequal distribution of property in existing societies violate Locke s requirement that there must be enough and as good left in common for others?
Political science

Political science

Subject: Political science
Topic: Can hacktivism be considered an influencial political party
Paper details:
Need to explain what hactivism is, and what separates them from other users of the same technology i.e. hackers, cyber terroists etc.
We need to show the analysis of the history of hactivism, their ethics, their structure, the anonymity they support and the fact although they started supporting
internet freedom, recent events shows that they take a political stand.
Draw from the examples on the Kosovo event and the opGaza to prove that I believe that hactivism is an influential anonymous political power that makes a difference
Political science

Subject: Political science
Topic: Can hacktivism be considered an influencial political party
Paper details:
Need to explain what hactivism is, and what separates them from other users of the same technology i.e. hackers, cyber terroists etc.
We need to show the analysis of the history of hactivism, their ethics, their structure, the anonymity they support and the fact although they started supporting
internet freedom, recent events shows that they take a political stand.
Draw from the examples on the Kosovo event and the opGaza to prove that I believe that hactivism is an influential anonymous political power that makes a difference