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Political science

Order Description
I need a essay to be written in the field of POLITICAL SCIENCE. I have a list of topics which i will attach but Please confer with me before finaliszing the topic.
You will need to provide an answer to the question
You will need to read other scholarly material in order to make your analysis.
You will need to base your answer on this research.
You need to identify the reasons used to reach your conclusion.
You need to evaluate whether your conclusion follows from these reasons.
You will need to scrupulously use correct grammar, expression and referencing methods.
This essay needs to be an argumentative one(making statements from diffrent scholarly articles then ) .Lastly I have also attached a general advice file for the essay please make sure you abide by that while writing include all the point mentioned in it. At the end PLEASE I want this essay to BE A MASTERPIECE. Any doubts please reply me I will be available all at all times.
Pols 1301 Assignment 3. Argumentative Essay
Minor Essay (1500 words)
Due 4 Oct 16 21:00
Worth: 35%
You will need to provide an answer to the question
You will need to read other scholarly material in order to make your analysis.
You will need to base your answer on this research.
You need to identify the reasons used to reach your conclusion.
You need to evaluate whether your conclusion follows from these reasons.
You will need to scrupulously use correct grammar, expression and referencing methods.Questions:
1. Do democratic states need republican constitutions to guarantee freedom for their citizens?
2. Which is more democratic: Liberal or Social democracy?
3. Which provides the best conception of freedom: liberalism or socialism?
4. Are liberal rights sufficient to achieve feminist goals?
5. Is religious fundamentalism in politics a contemporary form of fascism?
6. Why do both Christian and Islamic fundamentalists perceive democracy and liberty as a problem?Assignments are to be submitted electronically using TURNITIN via Blackboard.
Students should also ensure that you have a copy of the School of Political Science and International Studies Essay Guide 2016. This can be downloaded from the Schools website at http://www.uq.edu.au/polsis under Student Handbooks.If you require an extension, you should contact the school of political science and international studies before the due date. Requests for extensions after the due date will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. Penalties for late submission apply (unless an extension has been granted). Students are penalised 5% for every working day that the assessment is late (e.g. if the essay is out of 40, you will lose 2 marks each day).
Essay submitted more than two weeks late without an extension (or after extended deadline) may not be considered for marking.PLAGIARISM & ADVICE FOR STUDENTS WRITING ESSAYSAll students must complete the Academic Integrity Tutorial.
A link to the tutorial website will be provided to students when they log into mySI-net.
The tutorial is available at https://www.uq.edu.au/integrity/help.aspx;Students are advised to thoroughly acquaint themselves with the Universitys policy concerning plagiarism as outlined in the School of Political Science and International Studies Essay Guide 2006. The guide can be obtained from the Schools Enquiries Office (Level 5, Building 39A) or downloaded from the Student Handbooks section of the Schools website (http://www.uq.edu.au/polsis).
It is the Universitys task to encourage ethical scholarship and to inform students and staff about the institutional standards of academic behaviour expected of them in learning, teaching and research. Students have a responsibility to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity in their work. Students must not cheat in examinations or other forms of assessment and must ensure that they do not plagiarise.
The University has adopted the following definition of plagiarism:
Plagiarism is the act of misrepresenting as ones own original work, the ideas, interpretations, words or creative works of another. These include published and unpublished documents, designs, music, sounds, images, photographs, computer codes and ideas gained through working in a group. These ideas, interpretations, words or works may be found in print and/or electronic media.
The following are examples of plagiarism where appropriate acknowledgement or referencing of the author or source does not occur:
Direct copying of paragraphs, sentences, a single sentence or significant parts of a sentence;
Direct copying of paragraphs, sentences, a single sentence or significant parts of a sentence with an end reference but without quotation marks around the copied text;
Copying ideas, concepts, research results, computer codes, statistical tables, designs, images, sounds or text or any combination of these;
Paraphrasing, summarising or simply rearranging another persons words, ideas, etc without changing the basic structure and/or meaning of the text;
Offering an idea or interpretation that is not ones own without identifying whose idea or interpretation it is;
A cut and paste of statements from multiple sources;
Presenting as independent, work done in collaboration with others;
Copying or adapting another students original work into a submitted assessment item. plagiarism will be treated as misconduct. The Head of School will proceed in accordance with HUPP 3.60.1 Procedures for dealing with Student Discipline and Misconduct.
You are encouraged to read the UQ Academic Integrity and Plagiarism policy, available at http://www.uq.edu.au/hupp/index.html?page=25128, which makes a comprehensive statement about the Universitys approach to plagiarism, the consequences and the principles associated with preventing plagiarism.

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political science

political science

Order Description

Watch the following 3-minute video called “Racial Inequality in the Criminal Justice System”:


Use the concepts from your text and the lecture (and, optionally, the supplemental reading) to discuss how you see the concepts of social justice and criminal justice in harmony and/or in conflict. Support your analysis by referencing and properly citing at least one (1) credible source other than the course textbook. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find sources.

Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length, well-written, and formatted per CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

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political science

political science

Order Description

Watch the following 3-minute video called “Racial Inequality in the Criminal Justice System”:


Use the concepts from your text and the lecture (and, optionally, the supplemental reading) to discuss how you see the concepts of social justice and criminal justice in harmony and/or in conflict. Support your analysis by referencing and properly citing at least one (1) credible source other than the course textbook. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find sources.

Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length, well-written, and formatted per CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

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