Please provide a statement (appr. 350-650 words) that addresses your reasons for transferring and the objectives you hope to achieve.My information if you need:
Want to transfer to university of Maryland Baltimore campus
I am from lahore Pakistan came here in 2007, completed high school (2011),I love to play circket and want to join the UMBC cricket league. I speak and write Urdu( native lang ) speak punjabi, Can read arabic because im a muslim and read quran, am able speak hindi as well, but took classes in howard community college (HCC) so i can read and write hindi as well. english is my forth language that i know completely. I was excited to get into UMBC after school so i applied eventhough i did poor on my SAT( was still learning english thats why). So i eventually went to HCC, got straight As in my first semester. Than i started to work so that i can help my family financially father is diabetic so lots of medical bills and also pay my bills etc. no one in my family has ever been to college so my dream is to become a chemical engineer, get a good job and support my family. Help my three sisters get settled with studies as we all are depended. after getting job, i want to take family back to pakistan so we can visit relatives, havnt been there since we came here in the USA.
Ask me if you need more information
Please provide a statement (appr. 350-650 words) that addresses your reasons for transferring and the objectives you hope to achieve.