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The central goal of this course is to provide you with information about plants that will engender a greater appreciation for the role they play in the world. To this end, you will get to know some important landscape ornamental plants by doing a literature search to complete a plant profile. Using respected, reliable sources, research the information outlined below for one plant that you will choose from a list. The information will eventually be posted on the UA Campus Arboretum website so be precise and accurately cite your sources using footnotes. (See the Citation Guidelines below)

You will research the following information and submit a separate document for each plant you have selected to profile. Title the document with the Taxon ID # corresponding to the species you select.

Use Calibri 12pt font, single spaced for reports which should be 2-3 pages single spaced.

Include the information described below for your report.

I. Taxonomic Classification: Copy each taxonomic designation listed with bullets below along with the appropriate classification terms for the species.
• Common Name: the local name by which the plant is called (there can be many)
• Family: the Botanical family (ends with –aceae)* It is capitalized.
• Genus: The first part of the species name or Latin binomial* It is capitalized and italicized.
• Specific epithet: the second part of the species name or Latin binomial* It is italicized.
• Synonyms: other species names used to classify this plant in the past*
• Origin: Continent, Country, or Region in which the plant was first observed.
*Check http://tropicos.org for the latest Family and Species designations

II. Botanical Characteristics**: For each of the characteristics listed below, select one of the following attribute values:
• Function: landscape uses
o Choose one of the following:
? Screen
? Accent
? Habitat
? Shade
? Patio Plant
• Allergen: pollen allergenicity
o Choose one of the following:
? Allergenic
? Non-allergenic
• Invasive: aggressive spreader (seeds, suckers)
o Choose one of the following:
? Invasive
? Benign
• Toxicity: any part of the plants is toxic (to ingest or as a skin irritant)
o Choose one of the following:
? Toxic
? Benign
• Hardy: minimum cold hardiness (note Sunset or USDA zone or just the temperature range)
o Choose one of the following:
? Hardy
? Semi-Hardy
? Tender
• Water Use: relative water use
o Choose one of the following:
? High
? Moderate
? Low
• Height: range of values for plant height
o Choose one of the following:
? 0-5’
? 6-10’
? 11-15’
? 16-20’
? 20-50’
? 51-100’
• Width: range of values for plant canopy or spread
o Choose one of the following:
? 0-5’
? 6-10’
? 11-15’
? 16-20’
? 20-50’
? 51-100’
• Growth Rate: relative rate of growth
o Choose one of the following:
? Fast
? Moderate
? Slow
• Grow Season: when it grows
o Choose one of the following:
? Spring
? Foresummer (also called Dry Summer)
? Summer (also called Monsoon)
? Fall
? Winter
• Flower Season: when it blooms
o Choose one of the following:
? Spring
? Foresummer
? Summer
? Fall
? Winter
• Color: what color characterizes this plant’s interest (usually the bloom or fruit color)
o Choose one of the following colors to describe both the fruit and flower:
? White
? Red
? Pink
? Orange
? Yellow
? Green
? Blue
? Purple
? Lavender
? Brown
? Black
? Cream
• Spread: does it naturalize in an area?
o Choose one of the following:
? Spreading
? Non-spreading

III. Important Cultivars in Trade: Are there any cultivars of this species or hybrids. If so, please list important attributes of these horticultural variants. (ie. dwarf, hardy, etc.)

IV. Natural History: Write a paragraph about how this plant came to be, its origin, distribution. etc.

V. Cultivation Notes: If you can find notes on cultural conditions (light, water, soil, etc) needed for this plant to grown or how it is propagated (seed, cuttings etc), include this information here.

VI. Ethnobotany: Write a paragraph or two about the ways this plant is used for animal and human needs.

VII. Citations: For parts III, IV, and V, you must choose reputable sources from published literature. Generally, websites ending in .edu or .org are acceptable. The UA Library is also a good source for published books and journal articles. Some examples of acceptable resources are listed here:

a. Plants for dry climates : how to select, grow, and enjoy.
i. Author: Mary Rose Duffield; Warren D Jones
b. Trees and shrubs for dry California landscapes : plants for water conservation : an introduction to more than 360 California native and introduced plants which survive with limited water
i. Author: Bob Perry
c. Plants for the Southwest, Plants for Dry lands
i. Warren Jones, Mary Duffield
d. Other books for native and exotics by Jones and others can be found at: https://chandleraz.gov/Content/WaterWiseReferenceList.pdf
e. Excellent lists of botanical characteristics for Arizona’s landscape plants: http://www.amwua.org/shrubs.html
f. Cooperative Extension Plant List: http://ag.arizona.edu/pima/gardening/aridplants/aridplant_index.html
g. Ladybird Johnson Wildflower database: http://www.wildflower.org/plants/
h. The ASDM Sonoran Desert Floras: http://www.desertmuseum.org/center/swbiodiversity.php
i. Encyclopedia of Life http://eol.org/collections/7377
Please rewrite the content you read in your own words and cite all sources from which that statement could be supported. Aim to cite more than one source for each of the three sections (III – V). List citations numerically starting with the first one to appear in the report. See the citation guide for further information on how to cite references used.
Citation Guidelines:

Citations should be noted within the text as follows:
1. References should be indicated by a number in parenthesis that corresponds with a citation at the bottom of the page.
a. Ex: “This plant can be found in temperate climates around the world” (1).

2. A reference list should be included at the bottom of the page, in numerical order according to appearance in the profile.
Reference List: Examples of citation format to follow are shown below

1. Books or Journal Articles:
a. Last, First Initial of Author. (Date published). Article or entry title. Journal or Web Publisher.

2. Websites:
a. The URL should be included in the form of a link to the page on which the information is found. This link should be created from the journal or publisher name. Date Accessed.

3. In instances where only a URL is provided, a link should be created from the article title, followed by “Retrieved on” and the Date accessed.
a. Ex: 1. USDA Plant Guide. Retrieved on April 22, 2013

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The central goal of this course is to provide you with information about plants that will engender a greater appreciation for the role they play in the world. To this end, you will get to know some important landscape ornamental plants by doing a literature search to complete a plant profile. Using respected, reliable sources, research the information outlined below for one plant that you will choose from a list. The information will eventually be posted on the UA Campus Arboretum website so be precise and accurately cite your sources using footnotes. (See the Citation Guidelines below)

You will research the following information and submit a separate document for each plant you have selected to profile. Title the document with the Taxon ID # corresponding to the species you select.

Use Calibri 12pt font, single spaced for reports which should be 2-3 pages single spaced.

Include the information described below for your report.

I. Taxonomic Classification: Copy each taxonomic designation listed with bullets below along with the appropriate classification terms for the species.
• Common Name: the local name by which the plant is called (there can be many)
• Family: the Botanical family (ends with –aceae)* It is capitalized.
• Genus: The first part of the species name or Latin binomial* It is capitalized and italicized.
• Specific epithet: the second part of the species name or Latin binomial* It is italicized.
• Synonyms: other species names used to classify this plant in the past*
• Origin: Continent, Country, or Region in which the plant was first observed.
*Check http://tropicos.org for the latest Family and Species designations

II. Botanical Characteristics**: For each of the characteristics listed below, select one of the following attribute values:
• Function: landscape uses
o Choose one of the following:
? Screen
? Accent
? Habitat
? Shade
? Patio Plant
• Allergen: pollen allergenicity
o Choose one of the following:
? Allergenic
? Non-allergenic
• Invasive: aggressive spreader (seeds, suckers)
o Choose one of the following:
? Invasive
? Benign
• Toxicity: any part of the plants is toxic (to ingest or as a skin irritant)
o Choose one of the following:
? Toxic
? Benign
• Hardy: minimum cold hardiness (note Sunset or USDA zone or just the temperature range)
o Choose one of the following:
? Hardy
? Semi-Hardy
? Tender
• Water Use: relative water use
o Choose one of the following:
? High
? Moderate
? Low
• Height: range of values for plant height
o Choose one of the following:
? 0-5’
? 6-10’
? 11-15’
? 16-20’
? 20-50’
? 51-100’
• Width: range of values for plant canopy or spread
o Choose one of the following:
? 0-5’
? 6-10’
? 11-15’
? 16-20’
? 20-50’
? 51-100’
• Growth Rate: relative rate of growth
o Choose one of the following:
? Fast
? Moderate
? Slow
• Grow Season: when it grows
o Choose one of the following:
? Spring
? Foresummer (also called Dry Summer)
? Summer (also called Monsoon)
? Fall
? Winter
• Flower Season: when it blooms
o Choose one of the following:
? Spring
? Foresummer
? Summer
? Fall
? Winter
• Color: what color characterizes this plant’s interest (usually the bloom or fruit color)
o Choose one of the following colors to describe both the fruit and flower:
? White
? Red
? Pink
? Orange
? Yellow
? Green
? Blue
? Purple
? Lavender
? Brown
? Black
? Cream
• Spread: does it naturalize in an area?
o Choose one of the following:
? Spreading
? Non-spreading

III. Important Cultivars in Trade: Are there any cultivars of this species or hybrids. If so, please list important attributes of these horticultural variants. (ie. dwarf, hardy, etc.)

IV. Natural History: Write a paragraph about how this plant came to be, its origin, distribution. etc.

V. Cultivation Notes: If you can find notes on cultural conditions (light, water, soil, etc) needed for this plant to grown or how it is propagated (seed, cuttings etc), include this information here.

VI. Ethnobotany: Write a paragraph or two about the ways this plant is used for animal and human needs.

VII. Citations: For parts III, IV, and V, you must choose reputable sources from published literature. Generally, websites ending in .edu or .org are acceptable. The UA Library is also a good source for published books and journal articles. Some examples of acceptable resources are listed here:

a. Plants for dry climates : how to select, grow, and enjoy.
i. Author: Mary Rose Duffield; Warren D Jones
b. Trees and shrubs for dry California landscapes : plants for water conservation : an introduction to more than 360 California native and introduced plants which survive with limited water
i. Author: Bob Perry
c. Plants for the Southwest, Plants for Dry lands
i. Warren Jones, Mary Duffield
d. Other books for native and exotics by Jones and others can be found at: https://chandleraz.gov/Content/WaterWiseReferenceList.pdf
e. Excellent lists of botanical characteristics for Arizona’s landscape plants: http://www.amwua.org/shrubs.html
f. Cooperative Extension Plant List: http://ag.arizona.edu/pima/gardening/aridplants/aridplant_index.html
g. Ladybird Johnson Wildflower database: http://www.wildflower.org/plants/
h. The ASDM Sonoran Desert Floras: http://www.desertmuseum.org/center/swbiodiversity.php
i. Encyclopedia of Life http://eol.org/collections/7377
Please rewrite the content you read in your own words and cite all sources from which that statement could be supported. Aim to cite more than one source for each of the three sections (III – V). List citations numerically starting with the first one to appear in the report. See the citation guide for further information on how to cite references used.
Citation Guidelines:

Citations should be noted within the text as follows:
1. References should be indicated by a number in parenthesis that corresponds with a citation at the bottom of the page.
a. Ex: “This plant can be found in temperate climates around the world” (1).

2. A reference list should be included at the bottom of the page, in numerical order according to appearance in the profile.
Reference List: Examples of citation format to follow are shown below

1. Books or Journal Articles:
a. Last, First Initial of Author. (Date published). Article or entry title. Journal or Web Publisher.

2. Websites:
a. The URL should be included in the form of a link to the page on which the information is found. This link should be created from the journal or publisher name. Date Accessed.

3. In instances where only a URL is provided, a link should be created from the article title, followed by “Retrieved on” and the Date accessed.
a. Ex: 1. USDA Plant Guide. Retrieved on April 22, 2013

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