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P’kolino Case Study Academic Essay

Read the P’kolino case study, pages 261-304 in the your text. It is an example of an extremely well written business plan, in the traditional style of the late second millennium. (Note: the financial exhibits are not missing, but are in a follow-on case for a module later in the class). P’kolino is a children’s furniture company, launched in 2005. The company is still very much in business and the website can be visited at https://www.pkolino.com/

Write a paper that answers to the following questions:

Does the business plan tell a coherent and compelling story?
Does the plan capture all of the learning that Antonio and JB have accumulated?
What three questions do you think Antonio and JB need to answer through further planning before they launch the venture?
What are the three strongest aspects of the plan?
What areas need improvement?

The five specific questions should be annotated and have specific answers.

All papers should be written in the third person (he, he, it, and they). Make every effort not to shift to second person (you, your) as in, “When starting a company you need money.” Try to avoid shifting to the first person (I, we) as well. It is distracting to the reader and bad style to shift persons in a paper—students often do it in the middle of a sentence.

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Posted on May 13, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions

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