Performance Model Assignment
(Undergraduate and Graduate students)
Select an activity in which physical training is important for optimal performance. The specific activity
does not have to be an organized competitive sport. Some occupational and recreational activities will be
appropriate. There must be rationale that support structured physical training, particularly for
development of specific energy system function, as a means to improve high-level performance.
Perform an athlete/performer analysis and an activity analysis relative to the physiological aspects of
performance. Perform a literature search for research published in peer-reviewed sources related to the
activity (Olson library/One Search, PubMed, Sport Discus, Google Scholar, etc.). A minimum of 10
cited research references will be expected. Insights may also be obtained through observing the activity,
participating in the activity, and interviewing coaches and athletes. Cite all references and sources used.
Athlete (Performer) Analysis: Determine an anthropometric/physiological profile for a typical performer
or athlete in the selected activity. You may define a specific performance level; i.e., aspiring novice, high
school, collegiate, NCAA champion, elite world-class. Consider age group, gender, anthropometry and
body composition, muscular strength and endurance, dominant muscle fiber types, speed and power
factors, maximum oxygen uptake, lactate threshold, and efficiency/economy factors. What specific
physiological characteristics does a high-level performer need to have?
Activity Analysis: Determine an activity profile for the specific performance: activity duration, total event
duration, average and peak intensities, primary bioenergetic system(s); relative importance of various
physiological factors (muscular strength/endurance, anaerobic power and capacity, oxidative power and
capacity, speed, flexibility …). Identify the primary limiting factors for performance in the activity.
Include an anatomical analysis for primary muscle groups that contribute to performance; including
muscle contraction types and force-velocity considerations.
Integrate the information from your Athlete Analysis and your Activity Analysis into a Performance Model
for your selected activity. The Performance Model will usually include three or more trainable
physiological and/or anthropometric factors that are primary for high-level performance of the
activity. As an example: the classic performance model for long distance running includes (1) a high
VO2max, (2) an ability to sustain a high steady-state VO2 (primarily determined by lactate threshold), and
(3) a high running economy combined with (4) low body mass and (5) high capability to store muscle
Prepare a concise written handout on your selected activity with specific sections on the
Athlete/Performer Analyis, Activity Analysis and Performance Model. Include and properly cite your
references and sources. This written handout must be submitted via EduCat Dropbox as a Word
DOC or Adobe PDF file by the date specified on the Course Schedule. Selected handouts, without
names, may be posted in PDF format on the course EduCat site to enable all students to access the
information. The specific format requirements for this written assignment are:
– Six (6) pages maximum including reference list. You may include a Title page which does not
count as one of the six.
– Uniform 1-inch margins.
– Line spacing must be either 1.5 or double spaced.
– 11-pt or 12-pt font (Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri only).
– Charts and Tables are acceptable and may be inserted into the main text or placed at the end of
the document. Chart and table pages count toward the maximum number of pages. You may
put multiple charts and tables on one page.
– Number pages consecutively.
– Include a Title and your Name at the top of the first page or on a Title page.
Physiological review of ice hockey