Discuss the organizational concerns a corporation has today compaired to the 1950?s when there was a different mindset of security and how it is to assist with that organization.
Physical security

Physical security
It’s been several years since you completed your college degree and began working in the field of security. While your job as a security specialist at the critical manufacturing facility has been rewarding, it has become less challenging as the years have progressed. The other day you received a phone from an old friend who talked about starting his own business after receiving a federal contract to review requests for citizenship in the United States.
The friend discussed the high level logistics for the business’s facility including the following facts:
• 30,000 square foot facility in a rural area
• Requirement for Secret and Confidential Materials
• Approximately 60 employees ranging from custodial to executive
• Need for Secured Areas with lines for secured communications (both voice and data)
• Will be operated from 7 AM to 6 PM (EST)
Your friend stated that he has a good idea on the business end of it (otherwise he wouldn’t have received the contract); however, he is lost regarding the necessary physical security needed to support the business operation. At the end of the call, your friend asks if he can hire you as a consultant to provide options on the physical security plan for the facility. Although it will mean more work, you note that you did take a physical security class at the university and have had many opportunities to apply that knowledge to your current job. This is the challenge you were looking for, so you agree to help your old friend out and begin work immediately.
Security Plan Specifics
This writing assignment was developed to help students exercise their problem solving, investigative, and critical thinking skills. Students will develop a comprehensive plan (per the guidelines presented below) which outlines options in the following categories for the scenario presented above:
• Section One: Introduction
o Describe to the reader your overall approach. Why are you developing this document and what will reading the document allow the reader to accomplish? Basically, this section sets the stage for the remainder of the document.
• Section Two: CPTED Applications
o Discuss what CPTED principles could be applied to the facility to increase security. List at least three CPTED options.
• Section Three: Surveillance Options
o Articulate the necessity of surveillance for the facility and provide 4 factors to take into consideration before the final procurement of surveillance technology.
• Section Four: Outdoor Barriers
o What are outdoor barriers and why are they important to the facility’s security. Explain at least three reasons they are important.
• Section Five: Locks
o What types of locks should be installed at the facility, especially in those areas that contain secret and confidential information. Give at least three options.
• Section Six: Lighting Considerations
o Discuss lighting options for three locations: 1) Parking Lot, 2) Entry, and 3) Office Space. Additionally, explain why lighting is important in these locales.
• Section Seven: Alarm Options
o Discuss the advantages of central station signaling would be for this facility. Give two options of alarm system types that could be implemented.
• Section Eight: Entry Control
o The implementation of an employee badging system is essential. Give three examples of different types of identification cards that can be utilized.
• Section Nine: Conclusions
o This section will serve as a summation of the options provided and also provide general information on the importance of physical security (do not go overboard with the importance; summarize the importance in 3-4 sentences).
Students are encouraged to be creative with the assignments. Additionally, students should not overthink the details provided;they have been left sufficiently vague to encourage customization of the plans. Lastly, remember that you want to balance effective physical security technology application with cost. The procurement and installation of the most expensive and advanced technology is not always a good idea!
This assignment should be developed and submitted in Microsoft Word and should be proofread for both grammar and spelling! Students should avoid using an abundance of “bulleted” lists and write their suggestions in parenthetical form. Pictures and other visual aids are encouraged as long as they add to (and do not detract from) the written text.
Any sources that are used for information should be cited using the APA Publication Manual (6th Edition) guidelines. A guide for using the latest APA Publication Manual is located at http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
Assignment Assessment
This assignment will be graded based upon compliance with the assignment directions and quality of the analysis (logic) presented.
Professional Writing Tips
Some items that should never be used in professional writing:
1. Any reference to Wikipedia. This resource has no validity checks.
2. Any words similar to “I believe….,” “In my opinion….,” or “I think….” Professional analysis calls for you to be more scientific. In science, the reader does not care what the author thinks, only what they can support through your argument (facts and logic). It is best to write professional papers in third person.
3. Hypothetical or rhetorical questions—we do not use these for emphasis or transition in professional writing. Stick with simple paragraph construction—i.e., a topic sentence followed by supporting sentences.