Persuasive Messages
Order Description
Understanding of a successful business communication through reading, writing, and small group discussions.
Course title Management communication
Course code MGT 102
Credits 3 hours
Prerequisite(s) None
Study program(s) UGR
A. Purpose statement
B. Course description
C. Textbook(s)
No. Author Title Publisher
1 Locker, Kitty, and Kaczmarek, Stephen. Business Communication: Building Critical Skills, 5th ed. McGraw-Hill International Edition, 2011.
D. Reference texts
E. Other resources
F. Course learning outcomes
Upon the successful completion of the course, students are expected to
No. Learning Outcome
1 Adapt business messages to type of audience and workplace situation
2 Display awareness of the values, beliefs, and practices in other business cultures
3 Compose well-formatted business letters, memos, and emails
4 Choose an appropriate structure for positive, negative, and persuasive messages
5 Display active listening skills
6 Plan and conduct effective business meetings
G. Course outline
Week Topic Supplementary Material
1 Course Outline
Introduction In class writing exercise
2 Module 1 (Business Communication, Management, and Success)
3 Module 2 (Adapting your Message to your Audience)
Small Talk in the Business Environment Homework Assignment #1
4 Module 17 (Listening- Face to Face Communication)
5 Communication over the Telephone
6 Presentation skills In class group presentations
7 Module 6 (You-attitude) In class writing exercise
9 Module 7/10 (Positive Emphasis/ Informative and Positive Messages) Homework Assignment #3
10 Module 11 (Negative Messages)
11 Module 12 (Persuasive Messages) Homework Assignment #4
12 Module 13 (Email Messages) In class writing exercise
13 Module 9 (Format for Letters and Memos)
14 Final Exams