Choose one option below
1. Person analysis
This option involves applying research findings and/or theory
to a person’s life. First present a description of the life and behavior of the individual. Include relevant information about the person. You must apply a minimum of TWO concepts but in most cases more information
will be necessary in order to provide a full analysis of the person. It is difficult to
specify the appropriate length of this paper but an approximate length would be 5- pages (don’t take this too seriously). You should write a fully fleshed out case
study. In other words, do not just describe the person and then proceed to write
something along the lines of, “This person is extraverted because she likes to spend time with people.” Your analysis should indicate that you understand the concepts that you have applied. Your analysis should not be something that you could not have written before taking the course. This will be demonstrated by writing a well thought-out, detailed paper. The description can be drawn from an autobiography, a biography, a novel, television program, an interview, a
newspaper or from personal knowledge. After providing your description, discuss
several concepts from the course that are relevant to the person’s personality. It would be best to use concepts that we have discussed in class. Discuss the
concepts in general before applying them. Do not merely copy your notes and do
not use outside sources without referencing these sources. If you employ
outside sources without indicating that you have done so, you will fail the course
because this is plagiarism. Several students have failed in the past for doing
this. After explaining the concepts, indicate why these concepts are illustrative of the person’s personality. You might for example, analyze the person’s behavior using the Big Five Factor Theory (all factors must be applied in this case), or
you might discuss why the person is a high self-monitor. Other examples might
include using concepts such as Freudian defense mechanisms, narcissism, defensive pessimism, behavioral inhibition, Erikson’s notions about the identity crisis or Maslow’s concept of self-actualization.
2. Self-Analysis Option
Instead of analyzing someone else, you may want to delve into your own personality. First provide relevant background information about yourself.
Then apply several of the concepts from the ectures, readings or text to your own
personality. Discuss the concepts in general before applying them to your personality and then illustrate why these concepts are illustrative of your personality. Then address the following questions: What have you
learned about yourself ? Did anything surprise you? Do you plan to change anything about yourself based on what your learned? If so, what will you change and how? The paper is due on December 6.
Personality Theory Paper