Topic: Personality, individual differences, and motivation at work AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR.
Order Description
**Report Format **
Executive summary (about 200 words)
A summary of the entire report (not an introduction – a summary)
Introduction (about 300 words)
An introduction ‘sets the scene’. By that I mean it introduces the topics and tries to engage the reader. For example, why are these topics important to managers and organisations? Then the introduction should state the aim of the assignment and how it will be structured.
Analysis (about 1,500 – 1,800 words)
Select two of the topic areas (personality and individual differences, attitudes and job satisfaction, or motivation at work) and critically appraise and evaluate their relationship to organisational behaviour using relevant theory and models.
Consider, for example, why study the topics? How are they useful to organisations? How are they useful to managers? Critique them i.e. what are the limitations? What might not work in this region? Etc. etc…
Consider a variety of theories and models and use examples
Conclusion (100 – 200 words)
Conclude by summarising the most important points from your analysis
I would like at least 10 references (with at least 3 from journal articles)
Further general advice – Consider the following:
What am I expected to find out about – what is the question asking?
What do I know about this topic? How much information has the tutor already given me?
How much time can I give to this particular project?
Develop an outline first
Must answer the question!
Must provide an informed answer to questions – not opinions! i.e. arguments and explanations should be supported by reference to relevant evidence (literature)
Demonstrate critical thinking
Use examples
Well referenced
Always aim for a professional look and ‘feel’ to the report
Use diagrams/tables etc. where appropriate – but apply them.