Order Description This assignment related to assignment 1 YOU DID IT BEFORE. See the comments in the assignment 1 Individual Report to help you do even better in assignment 2.you should follow these Sections Area Introduction Personal Profile Area for development How to develop (insert trait) Development Goals Learning Theory Used Write your Action Plan ConclusionIntroduction Your career goal Summary of the Personality Traits required (References) Importance of Self-motivation and Behaviour Change in Self-Leadership (References) Overview of Learning Theories available for behaviour change (References)Personal Profile Introduce Table 1 Insert Table 1 (updated from Assessment 1) Describe your 360 feedback following the tableArea for development What area is chosen for development? Choose a trait from Table 1 Define the trait (reference) Justification for choice of area Explain why this is important in your life and/or in your careerThe trait must be from one of the surveys E.g. A Type personality or Competitiveness Not a skill such as time managementAnalysis: What Personality Trait to change ? In another table identify and justify the most important Personality Trait you need to change From the literature: Describe the behaviours you need to change How can you change them? E.g. Sharing instead of Competitiveness Reflect on a time when this was a problem Use the STAR model (Do not use the headings Situation, Task, Action and Result )Developing self-awareness Introspection Observing yourself self-perception Explaining your reactions and feelings Comparing yourself to others Interacting with a variety of diverse people Requesting feedback from othersYOU MUST SEE the Writing Assessment 2 files I will be uploaded and criteria sheet and EXAMPLES.I am a teacher in school but when I finish master degree I try to be teacher in university
Personal Portfolio Academic Essay