Topic: Perceptual errors & decision making, leadership challenges for new managers, surviving/thriving organisational change
Order Description
1: please fellow the instruction as the lecture is so harsh on marking.
Assignment 2: Workplace Information Briefs {Individual)
2300 words (No additional leeway. In fairness to all students, only the
first 2300 words will be read and assessed.)
The word limit applies to the essay itself and all references cited in the
essay. It does not apply to the end reference list, cover page and title
page. (An abstract and table of contents are not required.)
35 marks
Perceptual errors & decision making, leadership challenges for new
managers, surviving/thriving organisational change
Having recently graduated with a Masters in Business with a
specialisation in human resources, you work for a national engineering
firm in the HR department. The firm has approximately 200 employees
across five different states who, apart from a small administrative team,
are professionals trained in engineering and information technology {IT}.
While highly skilled in their respective professions, they do not have
training in management or business.
Your manager has been concerned about a number of people
management issues in the different national offices relating to poor
recruitment, performance management, leadership behaviours in early
career managers, and resistance to ongoing change programs.
Your manager, impressed with your people management skills, has
asked you to prepare an informative e-newsletter to be forwarded as a
formal company document to all employees. You have been set the
following tasks:
1. Write three information briefs on the topics,
a. Perceptual errors and decision making in recruitment and
performance management
b. Early career challenges of junior managers/leaders
c. Resistance to organisational change
2. The e-newsletter is aimed at informing staff who have little, if any
knowledge of the critical topics in organisational behaviour.
3. You should develop informative briefs of approximately 750 words
each. Each written piece should clearly identify and conceptualise
the topic, explain its relevance to understanding and managing
behaviour in organisations (one’s own and that of others), and
provide clear and concise guidelines to address any issues or
improve behaviour and workplace performance. While these written
pieces should be designed to inform (and also entertain if you would
like them to), they should be linked to relevant theory and examples.
4. The news briefs should uphold academic integrity and use the
author-date method for referencing so that the readers may follow up
on your sources.
15 of39
How to
You may choose to present the information briefs in words only or you
may exercise your creativity and present the newsletter with appropriate
illustrations, layout and colour. However, please ensure your newsletter
is uploaded to Moodie as a word document (any artwork would need to
be embedded into a word document).
The aim of this assignment is to develop an understanding of current
issues in organisational behaviour and to quickly and articulately
communicate these in the context of organisational behaviour theory.
Additionally, students should be able to illustrate how knowledge of
perceptual errors, leadership behaviours and managing resistance to
change can be used to manage employee, and one’s own, behaviours
more effectively.
Students are not required to cover every concept related to perception and
attribution or leadership or change management. Instead, focus on the
core concepts relevant to the tasks as they have been seeped by the
question above.
Avoid the use of direct quotes as they do not demonstrate to the marker
your understanding of the concepts and reading material and consume
many words without attracting any marks. You are required to reference
using the author I date method. This method is explained in detail in this
Companion to the Unit Outline.
Plagiarised assignments normally receive a mark of zero. Work that is
not written by the person who submitted it for assessment will be referred
to the Faculty’s Associate Dean of Education for investigation. Software
programs will be used to check the authorship of submitted work.