PartianshipOrder Description
Voting Behavior and Elections (POLS 227) Paper Assignment #1 The paper is to be a short expository essay of approximately 5 pages in length; it should be double spaced; you should use a 12 point font and leave one inch margins on all sides. You should respond to one of the two questions below. The papers are due Sept. 30th at the beginning of class. Late papers will be substantively penalized (see the syllabus for details). You are not expected to do any additional readings for this paper. You must provide citations as appropriate from the assigned readings.
1.Partisanship is a key factor in most discussions of voting and elections in the contemporary U.S. Yet, Downs does not discuss partisanship at the mass level in any overt fashion. Can a Downsian interpretation of partisanship be constructed?How does AAGR do so and how do they contrast such an interpretation/definition with the standard view of partisanship? Given your reading of the material, is the data discussed in Chapter 8 (of AAGR) more consistent with the standard view of partisanship or the alternative view of partisanship?
I recommend that you (1) address the questioned asked, (2) define your terms, and (3) take a position and make your best case (i.e., dont straddle the fence). Also, as specified in the questions, use the empirical analyses from AAGR to buttress you arguments. You must submit your paper online via safeassign on the courses blackboard site. I will provide all the necessary details for submitting the paper on safeassign at the next class Also, you must provide me a hardcopy of your paper at the beginning of class on the