Does Parental Tough Love Always Work? From the last assignment you did for me, here’s the next step #3: Conducting a Literature Review Locate five professional journal articles, information from two reputable websites (e.g., government agencies or nonprofit organizations), and one book that you feel relate to the research question and hypothesis from Assignment #2. 1. Correctly cite the articles, websites, and book using APA 6th style. 2. Briefly discuss what you learned from each of these references about your topic. 3. Explain how each reference supports your research question and hypothesis.
Parental tough love
Parental tough love
Order Description
Continued assignment –
#4: Research Design and Sampling .
Briefly describe a feasible study that could be conducted in social work. Include the following information:
1. Restate the research question and hypothesis. (From Assign #2)
2. State the experimental, quasi-experimental, or pre/non-experimental design you would use.
3. Specify your sampling strategy.
4. Explain why this sampling strategy is appropriate.
5. Identify and operationally define the Independent and Dependent variable(s) from your research question and hypothesis.
Parental tough love
Parental tough love
Order Description
Continued assignment –
#4: Research Design and Sampling .
Briefly describe a feasible study that could be conducted in social work. Include the following information:
1. Restate the research question and hypothesis. (From Assign #2)
2. State the experimental, quasi-experimental, or pre/non-experimental design you would use.
3. Specify your sampling strategy.
4. Explain why this sampling strategy is appropriate.
5. Identify and operationally define the Independent and Dependent variable(s) from your research question and hypothesis.