Paper Assignment PS 130! 08 Intro to World Politics
Carefully read all of the instructions on this document.
Essay Question:
You are a foreign policy expert who works in a Washington, D.C. think tank focused on world politics and foreign policy. After the 2016 election you would like to be appointed to the new White House staff as “Special Foreign Policy Adviser to the President on the Syrian Crisis.” To be selected to this position, you have decided to write an essay explaining the best two or three options the U.S. can take on the Syrian Crisis from two different theoretical frameworks. *You will send your essay to the two 2016 presidential candidates who you believe will win their party’s nomination and compete in the 2016 general election.
Your essay must meet the following content requirements:
1. Each set of options must be presented from both the Realist and Liberal (influenced by Constructivism) theoretical perspectives;
2. The arguments supporting both Realist and Liberal options you present must be based on the concepts and theories you have learned this semester on the following topics:
? the theoretical frameworks;
? the history of the great powers from 1900 to the present;
? the global south and global north;
? foreign policy decision making;
? conflict;
? international organizations (IGOs & NGOs), law and human rights
*Note: Were you to actually write such an essay, you would edit it to fit the views and overall political ideology of each candidate before sending it.
Paper Essay Instructions.
Write this paper using APA style and a minimum of 2000 words. If you use Calibri font and double spacing, 2000 words is equal to 6.9 double-spaced pages (see Type your name, PS 130 08, the essay title and the word length on the title page of your essay paper. Remember to use a running header with your name and page #. Double space your essay. You may use short (30 words or fewer) quotations in your essay, but quotations do not count toward the 2000 word length. In-text citations do not count toward the 2000 word length. A Grading Rubric for this paper assignment is listed at the bottom of this document. APA formatting.
1- Do not include the essay question itself in the essay.
Websites on Syrian Crisis:
To give you a better understanding of the conflict in Syria, you are encouraged to consult some of the following websites. Keep in mind we are using the Syrian Crisis as a “case” for this assignment.