1. Must be between 6 – 8 pages.
2. Eight references – 2 books and 6 research articles. You must use research that is academic, peer reviewed, and between the years of 2005-2015.
3.You may use one DVD if you are going to incorporate it into your presentation. This is above the 8 required sources.
4.You may use a personal interview. Check APA for instructions on how to cite. It is also above the eight required sources.
5.Use a size 12 font. Times New Roman
6.Double space entire paper.
7.Use 1” margin with a right side ragged edge. DO NOT JUSTIFY YOUR PAPER.
8.Title Page – listed as page one.
No Abstract.
Body of Paper (starts with page 2)
Reference Page should be the last page.
9. Numbered pages should be placed on right hand top side of paper
accompanied by a running head.
10. Indent first line of every paragraph.
11. Use short paragraphs – 3 to 7 sentences per paragraph.
12.Quotations that contain fewer than 40 words are placed into the context of the paragraph. Quote should be enclosed by double quotation marks. No more than 4 short quotes.
13.Long quotes (more than 40 words) should be double spaced, block style, indent 5 – 7 spaces with no quotation marks. No more than 2 long quotes.
14.If you are using a quote within a quote: Use double quotation marks for first quote. Then Use single quotation marks to delineate where your second begins and ends.
15. Most of the body of paper should be paraphrased with in-text citations giving credit to the author(s).
Title Page
1. Three parts to the title page: Running Head
Institute Affiliation
2. Except for running head, everything should be centered.
1. Text should begin on page two. Each page begins with running head and page number at the top right hand corner of the page.
2. Double space between sentences
and between paragraphs.
3. First couple of paragraphs need not be research. Talk about why you are writing paper, personal experiences with topic, etc. No citations needed for this type of information.
4. Except for your ending paragraph, where you may insert your own opinion, everything else must contain research data, and everything must be cited.
1. List of references begins on a new page.
2. Heading is centered.
3. Double space all entries and double space between entries.
4. Use hanging indent format.
5. List in alphabetical order, last name first.
6. Last name should be flush against 1” margin, subsequent line of same entry should be indented 5 – 7 spaces.
7. One author:
8. Two or more authors:
EG. Brown, E.& Milstead, S.
9. Seven or more authors: List first six authors, followed by…and then list the last author.
10. In-text citations : (Decker, 2000).
(Decker & Eckerd, 2001).
(Baxter, Bloom & Klein, 2001; Cox, 2003).
When a work has three, four, or five authors, cite all for first citation. After that cite first author followed by et al. and publication date.
When a work has six or more authors, cite only the last name of first author followed by et al. and the publication date.
EG. (Decker, Eckerd, Baxter, Toomis, Tundale, Evans, and Morris, 2007)
EG. (Decker, et al., 2007)
10. If no author is listed, list title of article first and place it in alphabetical order along with the other referenced entries.