Data P1: Data P2: Data P3: Read and follow the guide. P1 Guide: Write the report in P1 S1 Lab Report form. P1 S1 Lab Report: P1 Task 3 Excel: Dont use outside sources. You can change the data in P1 Task 3 Excel, and replace them with the data that I post them above. Answer all questions [which are: 1)Sketch or paste-in ONE example plot below and give the linear equation and R2 value (from Excel) 2)Prepare a table of H and S results for the various CoCl2(Alc)2/MeOH ratios. 3)Discuss the trends you see in your H and S values (Results Table) with respect to the cobalt alcohol/methanol ratios. 4)What do the trends indicate about the system? 5)discuss two major sources of error in Task 3 and exactly how they can affect the outcome.] Dont forget: 1) Table title. 2) Correct table format. 3) Correct significant figures. 4) Dont write in Q5 a difficulty instead of error source. 5) Write on the graph the x-axis and y-axis. 6) Use correct units. Note: you can download the file from sendspace.
P1 S2 Lab Report

P1 S2 Lab Report
Project description
I will upload the data in Instruction Part.
Data P1:
Data P2:
Data P3:
Read and follow the guide.
P1 Guide:
Write the report in P1 S1 Lab Report form.
P1 S1 Lab Report:
P1 Task 3 Excel:
Dont use outside sources.
You can change the data in P1 Task 3 Excel, and replace them with the data that I post them above.
Answer all questions [which are:
1)Sketch or paste-in ONE example plot below and give the linear equation and R2 value (from Excel)
2)Prepare a table of H and S results for the various CoCl2(Alc)2/MeOH ratios.
3)Discuss the trends you see in your H and S values (Results Table) with respect to the cobalt alcohol/methanol ratios.
4)What do the trends indicate about the system?
5)discuss two major sources of error in Task 3 and exactly how they can affect the outcome.]
Dont forget: 1) Table title.
2) Correct table format.
3) Correct significant figures.
4) Dont write in Q5 a difficulty instead of error source.
5) Write on the graph the x-axis and y-axis.
6) Use correct units.
Note: you can download the file from sendspace.
P1 S2 Lab Report

P1 S2 Lab Report
Project description
I will upload the data in Instruction Part.
Data P1:
Data P2:
Data P3:
Read and follow the guide.
P1 Guide:
Write the report in P1 S1 Lab Report form.
P1 S1 Lab Report:
P1 Task 3 Excel:
Dont use outside sources.
You can change the data in P1 Task 3 Excel, and replace them with the data that I post them above.
Answer all questions [which are:
1)Sketch or paste-in ONE example plot below and give the linear equation and R2 value (from Excel)
2)Prepare a table of H and S results for the various CoCl2(Alc)2/MeOH ratios.
3)Discuss the trends you see in your H and S values (Results Table) with respect to the cobalt alcohol/methanol ratios.
4)What do the trends indicate about the system?
5)discuss two major sources of error in Task 3 and exactly how they can affect the outcome.]
Dont forget: 1) Table title.
2) Correct table format.
3) Correct significant figures.
4) Dont write in Q5 a difficulty instead of error source.
5) Write on the graph the x-axis and y-axis.
6) Use correct units.
Note: you can download the file from sendspace.