Order DescriptionThis assignment requires organizing, mapping, and analyzing a business process for an organization. 1. Compare and contrast two project management programs. Part of business analysis includes managing projects. To more efficiently manage projects, software tracking is often used to insure each element of the project is identified and tracked as each element of the project progresses. Microsoft Visio diagrams your project to provide a visual of processes and systems. It allows you to identify relationship diagrams, create flowcharts and network diagrams. In this assignment, create a diagram using Visio software, includes comparing and contrasting two project programs, and describing the business analysis processes towards successful outcomes. To complete part of this assignment, you will need to map out your projects to include: create a basic network diagram for each identified project; create a flowchart of current project processes; and write a summary linking the flowchart to the network diagrams. 2. Given a specific change management program for a specific company/industry, map and describe the business analysis process that should be followed for successful outcomes. It needs to follow the following outline:Paper OutlineExecutive Summary Business Problem Review Analytical Plan Elicitation Techniques Requirements Communication Enterprise Analysis Requirements Analysis Solution Assessment and Validation Techniques Recommendations Conclusion Appendix
Organizing, Mapping, and Analyzing a Business Process Academic Essay