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Organizational Dimensions of Analysis

Note: This assignment is for students in the following specializations: Business Psychology; Educational Leadership; Health and Wellness Psychology; Organizational Diversity; Organizational Leadership; Executive Coaching; Organizational Coaching; International Leadership; Mental Health Administration; Non-Profit Management; Mediation and Conflict Resolution; Evaluation, Research and Measurement

Students in the Criminal Justice specialization, please click here to see your assignment.

Students in the Sport & Performance Psychology specialization please click here to see your assignment.

Using the model of organizational performance and change described in the seminal article by Burke and Litwin (1992), analyze the case study associated with your specialization. You will find the case studies for this assignment in the online classroom in Module One. Access the case study for your specialization by clicking on the “Case Library” link for Module One. You will use either the Rocky Mountain Nature Academy or the Western State University case study, depending on your specialization.

Read the case study for your specialization. Then, in a paper of at least 8 pages (excluding title, abstract, and reference pages), address all of the following:

Referring to the Burke-Litwin Model of Organizational Performance and Change, Identify the transactional and transformational dimensions described in the case study, and provide a brief description of what is known about each dimension. (Note: based on the information provided in your case study, you may or may not be able to identify or describe all 12 dimensions as outlined in the Burke-Litwin model)
Identify the important stakeholders in the case study, and provide a brief description of what is known about each stakeholder or stakeholder group, including their particular issues or concerns.
Identify known sources of data that may be instrumental in analyzing the situation within the organization, and provide a brief description of how these data sources may be used in the organizational diagnosis.
Identify what is not currently known about the situation described in the case study, and propose a robust set of research questions that should be answered in the process of organizational diagnosis.
Note that you do not need to conduct an organizational diagnosis. The purpose of this paper is to apply a comprehensive model of organizational performance and change, in order to plan for organizational diagnosis. In writing your paper, do not repeat information that is presented in the case study. Summarize important points and analyze the case study to complete the component parts of the assignment.

Support your analysis with references to at least five scholarly sources (academic journal articles) in addition to any required course readings.
Paper demonstrates a thorough understanding of the Burke-Litwin model of organizational performance and change, and the transactional and transformational dimensions of the model as they apply to the case study.

Paper identifies important stakeholders from the case study, and develops a thoughtful profile of each stakeholder or stakeholder groups, based on elements of the case study.

Paper evaluates sources of information that may be used to forward the organizational diagnosis of the organization in the case study.

Paper accurately identifies what is not known about the organization in the case study and proposes a thoughtful set of research questions that should be addressed during organizational diagnosis.

Paper demonstrates a comprehensive analytical approach to planning for the organizational diagnosis, as informed by elements of the case study.

Writing and Organization Criteria

1 Point

The central theme/purpose of the paper is clear.

The structure is clear, logical, and easy to follow.

The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.

The thoughts are clear and include appropriate beginning, development, and conclusion.

Paragraph transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper.

Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.

Sentences are well constructed, with consistently strong, varied sentences.

Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought.

Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.

The paper uses words and language that are inclusive, clear, and unambiguous.

Spelling is correct.

Research Criteria

1 Point

The paper includes a summary and analysis of research materials that are relevant to the assignment, e.g. scholarly journals, professional articles, legal documents, government documents, legal decisions, media clips, software, measurement instruments websites, personal communication, etc.

Professional/scholarly journals are peer reviewed and focus on the profession/application of psychology (located on Proquest, EBSCOHost, PsycNET, etc.). Non-scholarly articles include newspapers, periodicals, secular magazines, etc., and are not peer reviewed. Websites not approved include wilkipedia.com and about.com.

Research focuses on the most current information (past five to ten years) except when citing seminal works (e.g. Freud, Erickson, etc.).

Paper includes the appropriate number of references required by the assignment.

When appropriate, the paper addresses ethical considerations in research.

Style Criteria

1 Point

The paper is in the appropriate APA format used by the institution/program (e.g. the 6th edition).

The paper is double-spaced and in the appropriate length required by the assignment

The paper includes an APA style cover page.

The paper includes an Abstract that is formatted to support the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).

The paper properly uses headings, font styles, and white space as outlined in the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).

The paper includes an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.

The paper addresses the topic of the paper with critical thought.

The paper concludes with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.

Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition) guidelines.

The paper includes a References Page that is completed according to the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).

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