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Organisational Behaviour

Organisational Behaviour

Qualification/Programme: International Year 1 and MFP
Module Name: Organisational Behaviour
Start Date: International Year 1 05.10.2015 Term 1

13.6.2016 Term 4. MFP depends on centre timetable

Deadline Date: w/c 23rdNovember Term 1 Presentations organise in centre

w/c 1st August 2016 Term 4 Presentations organise in centre

MFP when not running alongside IY1 refer to DCH and CIO

Module learning outcomes:
1 Discuss the relationship between organisational structure and culture
2 Examine different approaches to management and leadership
3 Evaluate ways of using motivational theories in organisations
4 Explain mechanisms for developing effective teamwork in organisations.
Assignment Title: Essay and Presentation

Assignment requirements:
You are a consultant for Orb Ltd a company who specialises in organisational behaviour. You have been asked by the CEO to research areas within organisational behaviour so it can be used in future training. You are to produce a presentation and report covering the following topics.Students are to pick two organisations of their choice and complete an individual presentation and report.

Individual Presentation – 15mins

Discuss the relationship between organisational structure and culture
Report (2000 words +/- 10%)
Examine different approaches to management and leadership
Evaluate ways of using motivational theories in organisations
Explain mechanisms for developing effective teamwork in organisations.
Report format:
? Front sheet
? Introduction
? Headings:
1. Approaches to Management and Leadership
2. Motivational Theories
3. Developing Effective Teamwork
? Conclusion
? References
? Each point must be answered
? Page numbers must be added.

Your will be marked against the following criteria:
Please see attached.

Assignment Purpose:
The assignment is designed to give the learners a broad understanding of organisational behaviour and how OB can affect an organisation. The learners will understand how theories relate to real life situations and how they interlink.

This assignment counts for 100 % of your overall grade. Report (70%), Presentation (30%).
The pass mark for this assignment is 40%. Pass marks for progression may vary – check with your centre.

Assignment Instructions:
For this assignment you need to complete a presentation using PPT or Prezi and write a report covering the module learning outcomes. Refer to the marking criteria for the presentation and report. Please note deadlines above.

All coursework (unless direct otherwise by your tutor) must be word processed, double spaced, justified, fully referenced using the Harvard system, and in 12 pitch font, with page numbers and the word count. The word count does not include end of text references or appendices.

You are required to submit an electronic copy to a plagiarism checker using the website http://www.turnitinuk.com.

Feedback will be communicated back to you at the same time as your examination results for other examinations via your tutor and www.submit.ac.uk.

If you are unsure of what is expected of you please speak to your tutor.

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Organisational Behaviour

Organisational Behaviour

Qualification/Programme: International Year 1 and MFP
Module Name: Organisational Behaviour
Start Date: International Year 1 05.10.2015 Term 1

13.6.2016 Term 4. MFP depends on centre timetable

Deadline Date: w/c 23rdNovember Term 1 Presentations organise in centre

w/c 1st August 2016 Term 4 Presentations organise in centre

MFP when not running alongside IY1 refer to DCH and CIO

Module learning outcomes:
1 Discuss the relationship between organisational structure and culture
2 Examine different approaches to management and leadership
3 Evaluate ways of using motivational theories in organisations
4 Explain mechanisms for developing effective teamwork in organisations.
Assignment Title: Essay and Presentation

Assignment requirements:
You are a consultant for Orb Ltd a company who specialises in organisational behaviour. You have been asked by the CEO to research areas within organisational behaviour so it can be used in future training. You are to produce a presentation and report covering the following topics.Students are to pick two organisations of their choice and complete an individual presentation and report.

Individual Presentation – 15mins

Discuss the relationship between organisational structure and culture
Report (2000 words +/- 10%)
Examine different approaches to management and leadership
Evaluate ways of using motivational theories in organisations
Explain mechanisms for developing effective teamwork in organisations.
Report format:
? Front sheet
? Introduction
? Headings:
1. Approaches to Management and Leadership
2. Motivational Theories
3. Developing Effective Teamwork
? Conclusion
? References
? Each point must be answered
? Page numbers must be added.

Your will be marked against the following criteria:
Please see attached.

Assignment Purpose:
The assignment is designed to give the learners a broad understanding of organisational behaviour and how OB can affect an organisation. The learners will understand how theories relate to real life situations and how they interlink.

This assignment counts for 100 % of your overall grade. Report (70%), Presentation (30%).
The pass mark for this assignment is 40%. Pass marks for progression may vary – check with your centre.

Assignment Instructions:
For this assignment you need to complete a presentation using PPT or Prezi and write a report covering the module learning outcomes. Refer to the marking criteria for the presentation and report. Please note deadlines above.

All coursework (unless direct otherwise by your tutor) must be word processed, double spaced, justified, fully referenced using the Harvard system, and in 12 pitch font, with page numbers and the word count. The word count does not include end of text references or appendices.

You are required to submit an electronic copy to a plagiarism checker using the website http://www.turnitinuk.com.

Feedback will be communicated back to you at the same time as your examination results for other examinations via your tutor and www.submit.ac.uk.

If you are unsure of what is expected of you please speak to your tutor.

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.
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