which is ( Zemelman, B. V., Lee, G. A., Ng, M., & Miesenböck, G. (2002). Selective photostimulation of genetically charged neurons. Neuron. 33(1):15-22.)
Gene Therapy He, C., Tan, C., Wang, F., Wang, Y., Zhou, R., Cui, D., You, W., Zhao, H., Ren,
J., & Feng B. (2016). Knock-in of large reporter genes in human cells via
CRISPR/Cas9-induced homology-dependent and independent DNA repair.
Nucleic Acids Res.
Simonelli, F., Maguire A. M., Testa, F., Pierce, E. A., Mingozzi, F., Bennicelli, J.
L., Rossi, S., Marshall, K., Banfi, S., Surace, E. M., Sun, J., Redmond, M.
T., Zhu, X., Shindler, K. S., Ying, G., Ziviello, C., Ace2rra, C., Wright, J.
F., McDonnell, J. W., High, K. A., Bennett, J., & Auricchio, A. (2010).
Gene Therapy for Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis is Safe and Effective
Through 1.5 Years After Vector Administration. Mol Ther. 18(3): 643-650
Buchanan, A., & Powell, R. (2011). Breaking evolution’s chains: the prospect of
deliberate genetic modification in humans. J Med Philos. 2011
February; 36(1): 6–27.
De Melo, S. M., Bittencourt, S., Ferrazoli, E. G., da Silva, C. S., da Cunha, F. F.,
da Silva, F. H., … Han, S. W. (2015). The Anti-Tumor Effects of Adipose
Tissue Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transduced with HSV-Tk Gene on U-87-
Driven Brain Tumor. PLoS ONE, 10(6)
Phillios, J. G. (2001). Green fluorescent protein–a bright idea for the study of
bacterial protein localization. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 204(1): 9–18.
Fourrage, C., Swann, K., Gonzalez Garcia, J. R., Campbell, A. K., & Houliston,
E. (2014). An endogenous green fluorescent protein–photoprotein pair
in Clytia hemisphaerica eggs shows co-targeting to mitochondria and
efficient bioluminescence energy transfer. Open Biology, 4(4), 130206.
Hoffman, R. M. (2015). Application of GFP imaging in cancer. Laboratory
Investigation; a Journal of Technical Methods and Pathology, 95(4), 432–
452. http://doi.org.proxy1.lib.uwo.ca/10.1038/labinvest.2014.154
Shaner NC, Steinbach PA, Tsien RY (Dec 2005). “A guide to choosing
fluorescent proteins” (PDF). Nature Methods 2 (12): 905–9.
Gibson, D. G., Benders, G. A., Andrews-Pfannkoch, C., Denisova, E. A., BadenTillson,
H., Zaveri, J., Smith, H. O.(2008). Complete Chemical Synthesis,
Assembly, and Cloning of a Mycoplasma genitalium
Genome. Science,319(5867), 1215–1220
Church, G. M., Gao, Y., & Kosuri, S. (2012). Next-generation digital information
storage in DNA. Science. 337(6102):1628
University of Western Ontario Bio1202B Literacy
Koder, R. L., Ross Anderson, J. L., Solomon, L. A., Reddy, K. S., Moser, C. C.,
& Dutton, P. L. (2009). Design and engineering of an O(2) transport
protein.Nature, 458(7236), 305–309
Nguyen, P. Q., Botyanszki, Z., Tay, P. R., Joshi, N. S. (2014). Programmable
biofilm-based materials from engineered curli nanofibres. Nat Commun. 5:
Forensics Hara, M., Nakanishi, H., Yoneyma, K., Saito, K., & Takada, A. (2016). Effects of
storage conditions on forensic examinations of blood samples and
bloodstains stored for 20 years. Leg Med (Tokyo). 18:81-4
Miller, K. W., Dawson, J. L., & Hagelberg, E. (1996). A concordance of
nucleotide substitutions in the first and second hypervariable segments of
the human mtDNA control region. Int J Legal Med. 109(3): 107–113.
Pontes, M. L., Fondevila, M., Laréu, M. V., & Medeiros, R. (2015). SNP Markers
as Additional Information to Resolve Complex Kinship Cases.Transfusion
Medicine and Hemotherapy, 42(6), 385–388.
Wang, Z., Zhou, D., Zhang, S., Bian, Y., Gu, Z., Zhu, R., Lu, D., & Li, C. (2015).
Logical Framework of Forensic Identification: Ability to Resist
Fabricated DNA. Mol Biotechnol. 57, 11-12
Lazaris, A., Arcidiacono, Yue Huang, Y,. Zhou, J., Duguay, F., Chretien, N.,
Welsh, E. A., Soares, J. W., & Karatzas, C. N. (2002). Spider silk
fibers spun from soluble recombinant silk produced in mammalian
cells. Science. 295(5554): 472–476
S. P. Golovan, R. G. Meidinger, A. Ajakaiye, M. Cottrill, M. Z. Wiederkehr, D. J.
Barney, C. Plante, J. W. Pollard, M. Z. Fan, M. A. Hayes, et al.
(2001). Pigs expressing salivary phytase produce low-phosphorus
manure. Nat Biotechnol. 8: 741–745
Tong, C., Li, P., Wu, N. L., Yan, Y., & Ying, Q. L. (2010). Production
of p53gene knockout rats by homologous recombination in embryonic
stem cells. Nature, 467(7312), 211–213
Irving, A. A., Yoshimi, K., Hart, M. L., Parker, T., Clipson, L., Ford, M. R., &
Amos-Landgraf, J. M. (2014). The utility of Apc-mutant rats in
modeling human colon cancer. Disease Models & Mechanisms, 7(11),
Subramoni, S., Nathoo, N., Klimov, E., & Yuan, Z.-C. (2014). Agrobacterium
tumefaciens responses to plant-derived signaling molecules. Frontiers in
Plant Science, 5, 322.
Wang, C., Zeng, J., Li, Y., Hu, W., Chen, L., Miao, Y., … He, G. (2014).
Enrichment of provitamin A content in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) by
introduction of the bacterial carotenoid biosynthetic
University of Western Ontario Bio1202B Literacy
genes CrtB and CrtI .Journal of Experimental Botany, 65(9), 2545–2556.
Zou. S., Huang. K., Xu, W., Luo, Y., & He, X. (2015). Safety assessment of
lepidopteran insect-protected transgenic rice with cry2A*gene. Transgenic
Römer, S., Fraser, P. D., Kiano, J. W., Shipton, C. A., Misawa, N., Schuck, W.,
Bramley, P. M. (2000). Elevation of the provitamin A content of transgenic
tomato plants. Nat Biochmol. 18(6): 666-669
Walsh, G. (2005). Therapeutic insulins and their large-scale manufacture. Appl
Microbiol Biotechnol. 67(2): 151–159
Hillman, J. D. (2002). Genetically modified Streptococcus mutans for the
prevention of dental caries. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 82(1-4): 361–366
Ruiz, O. N., Alvarez, D., Gonzalez-Ruiz, G., & Torres, C. (2011).
Characterization of mercury bioremediation by transgenic bacteria
expressing metallothionein and polyphosphate kinase. BMC
Biotechnology, 11, 82
Fears, R., & Ter Meulen, V. (2015). European academies advise
on Gain of Function studies in influenza virus research. J. Virol.
Pharming Büttner-Maninik, A., Parsons, J., Jérôme, H., Hartmann, A., Lamer, S., Schaaf,
A., Schlosser, A., Zipfel, P. F., Reski, R., & Decker, E. L. (2001).
Production of Biologically active recombinant human factors H in
Physomitrella. Plant Biotechnol J. 9(3): 373-383.
Cox, K. M., Sterling, J. D., Regan, J. T., Gasdaska, J. R., Frantz, K. K., Peele, C.
G., Black, A., Passmore, D., Moldovan-Loomis, C., Srinivasan, M.,
Cuison, S., Cardarlli, P. M., & Dickey, L. F. (2006). Glycan optimization
of a human monoclonal antibody in the aquatic plant Lemna minor. Nat
Biotechnol. 24(12): 1591–1597
Gregory, J. A., Li, F., Tomosada, L. M., Cox, C. J., Topol, AB, et
al. (2012) Algae-Produced Pfs25 Elicits Antibodies That Inhibit Malaria
Transmission. PLoS ONE 7(5)
Sung, Y.Y., & Lee, C. S. (2013). Mammary Gland-Specific Expression of
Biologically Active Human Osteoprotegerin in Transgenic
Mice. Development & Reproduction, 17(1), 1–8.
Mantere, T., Winqvist, R., Kauppila, S., Grip, M., Jukkola-Vuorinen, A.,
Tervasmäki, A., & Pylkäs, K. (2016). Targeted Next-Generation
Sequencing Identifies a Recurrent Mutation in MCPH1 Associating with
Hereditary Breast Cancer Susceptibility. PLoS Genetics, 12(1)
Baptista, N. M., Christensen, K. D., Carere, D. A., Broadley, S. A., Roberts, J.
S., & Green R. C. (2016). Adopting genetics: motivations and outcomes of


which is ( Zemelman, B. V., Lee, G. A., Ng, M., & Miesenböck, G. (2002). Selective photostimulation of genetically charged neurons. Neuron. 33(1):15-22.)
Gene Therapy He, C., Tan, C., Wang, F., Wang, Y., Zhou, R., Cui, D., You, W., Zhao, H., Ren,
J., & Feng B. (2016). Knock-in of large reporter genes in human cells via
CRISPR/Cas9-induced homology-dependent and independent DNA repair.
Nucleic Acids Res.
Simonelli, F., Maguire A. M., Testa, F., Pierce, E. A., Mingozzi, F., Bennicelli, J.
L., Rossi, S., Marshall, K., Banfi, S., Surace, E. M., Sun, J., Redmond, M.
T., Zhu, X., Shindler, K. S., Ying, G., Ziviello, C., Ace2rra, C., Wright, J.
F., McDonnell, J. W., High, K. A., Bennett, J., & Auricchio, A. (2010).
Gene Therapy for Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis is Safe and Effective
Through 1.5 Years After Vector Administration. Mol Ther. 18(3): 643-650
Buchanan, A., & Powell, R. (2011). Breaking evolution’s chains: the prospect of
deliberate genetic modification in humans. J Med Philos. 2011
February; 36(1): 6–27.
De Melo, S. M., Bittencourt, S., Ferrazoli, E. G., da Silva, C. S., da Cunha, F. F.,
da Silva, F. H., … Han, S. W. (2015). The Anti-Tumor Effects of Adipose
Tissue Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transduced with HSV-Tk Gene on U-87-
Driven Brain Tumor. PLoS ONE, 10(6)
Phillios, J. G. (2001). Green fluorescent protein–a bright idea for the study of
bacterial protein localization. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 204(1): 9–18.
Fourrage, C., Swann, K., Gonzalez Garcia, J. R., Campbell, A. K., & Houliston,
E. (2014). An endogenous green fluorescent protein–photoprotein pair
in Clytia hemisphaerica eggs shows co-targeting to mitochondria and
efficient bioluminescence energy transfer. Open Biology, 4(4), 130206.
Hoffman, R. M. (2015). Application of GFP imaging in cancer. Laboratory
Investigation; a Journal of Technical Methods and Pathology, 95(4), 432–
452. http://doi.org.proxy1.lib.uwo.ca/10.1038/labinvest.2014.154
Shaner NC, Steinbach PA, Tsien RY (Dec 2005). “A guide to choosing
fluorescent proteins” (PDF). Nature Methods 2 (12): 905–9.
Gibson, D. G., Benders, G. A., Andrews-Pfannkoch, C., Denisova, E. A., BadenTillson,
H., Zaveri, J., Smith, H. O.(2008). Complete Chemical Synthesis,
Assembly, and Cloning of a Mycoplasma genitalium
Genome. Science,319(5867), 1215–1220
Church, G. M., Gao, Y., & Kosuri, S. (2012). Next-generation digital information
storage in DNA. Science. 337(6102):1628
University of Western Ontario Bio1202B Literacy
Koder, R. L., Ross Anderson, J. L., Solomon, L. A., Reddy, K. S., Moser, C. C.,
& Dutton, P. L. (2009). Design and engineering of an O(2) transport
protein.Nature, 458(7236), 305–309
Nguyen, P. Q., Botyanszki, Z., Tay, P. R., Joshi, N. S. (2014). Programmable
biofilm-based materials from engineered curli nanofibres. Nat Commun. 5:
Forensics Hara, M., Nakanishi, H., Yoneyma, K., Saito, K., & Takada, A. (2016). Effects of
storage conditions on forensic examinations of blood samples and
bloodstains stored for 20 years. Leg Med (Tokyo). 18:81-4
Miller, K. W., Dawson, J. L., & Hagelberg, E. (1996). A concordance of
nucleotide substitutions in the first and second hypervariable segments of
the human mtDNA control region. Int J Legal Med. 109(3): 107–113.
Pontes, M. L., Fondevila, M., Laréu, M. V., & Medeiros, R. (2015). SNP Markers
as Additional Information to Resolve Complex Kinship Cases.Transfusion
Medicine and Hemotherapy, 42(6), 385–388.
Wang, Z., Zhou, D., Zhang, S., Bian, Y., Gu, Z., Zhu, R., Lu, D., & Li, C. (2015).
Logical Framework of Forensic Identification: Ability to Resist
Fabricated DNA. Mol Biotechnol. 57, 11-12
Lazaris, A., Arcidiacono, Yue Huang, Y,. Zhou, J., Duguay, F., Chretien, N.,
Welsh, E. A., Soares, J. W., & Karatzas, C. N. (2002). Spider silk
fibers spun from soluble recombinant silk produced in mammalian
cells. Science. 295(5554): 472–476
S. P. Golovan, R. G. Meidinger, A. Ajakaiye, M. Cottrill, M. Z. Wiederkehr, D. J.
Barney, C. Plante, J. W. Pollard, M. Z. Fan, M. A. Hayes, et al.
(2001). Pigs expressing salivary phytase produce low-phosphorus
manure. Nat Biotechnol. 8: 741–745
Tong, C., Li, P., Wu, N. L., Yan, Y., & Ying, Q. L. (2010). Production
of p53gene knockout rats by homologous recombination in embryonic
stem cells. Nature, 467(7312), 211–213
Irving, A. A., Yoshimi, K., Hart, M. L., Parker, T., Clipson, L., Ford, M. R., &
Amos-Landgraf, J. M. (2014). The utility of Apc-mutant rats in
modeling human colon cancer. Disease Models & Mechanisms, 7(11),
Subramoni, S., Nathoo, N., Klimov, E., & Yuan, Z.-C. (2014). Agrobacterium
tumefaciens responses to plant-derived signaling molecules. Frontiers in
Plant Science, 5, 322.
Wang, C., Zeng, J., Li, Y., Hu, W., Chen, L., Miao, Y., … He, G. (2014).
Enrichment of provitamin A content in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) by
introduction of the bacterial carotenoid biosynthetic
University of Western Ontario Bio1202B Literacy
genes CrtB and CrtI .Journal of Experimental Botany, 65(9), 2545–2556.
Zou. S., Huang. K., Xu, W., Luo, Y., & He, X. (2015). Safety assessment of
lepidopteran insect-protected transgenic rice with cry2A*gene. Transgenic
Römer, S., Fraser, P. D., Kiano, J. W., Shipton, C. A., Misawa, N., Schuck, W.,
Bramley, P. M. (2000). Elevation of the provitamin A content of transgenic
tomato plants. Nat Biochmol. 18(6): 666-669
Walsh, G. (2005). Therapeutic insulins and their large-scale manufacture. Appl
Microbiol Biotechnol. 67(2): 151–159
Hillman, J. D. (2002). Genetically modified Streptococcus mutans for the
prevention of dental caries. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 82(1-4): 361–366
Ruiz, O. N., Alvarez, D., Gonzalez-Ruiz, G., & Torres, C. (2011).
Characterization of mercury bioremediation by transgenic bacteria
expressing metallothionein and polyphosphate kinase. BMC
Biotechnology, 11, 82
Fears, R., & Ter Meulen, V. (2015). European academies advise
on Gain of Function studies in influenza virus research. J. Virol.
Pharming Büttner-Maninik, A., Parsons, J., Jérôme, H., Hartmann, A., Lamer, S., Schaaf,
A., Schlosser, A., Zipfel, P. F., Reski, R., & Decker, E. L. (2001).
Production of Biologically active recombinant human factors H in
Physomitrella. Plant Biotechnol J. 9(3): 373-383.
Cox, K. M., Sterling, J. D., Regan, J. T., Gasdaska, J. R., Frantz, K. K., Peele, C.
G., Black, A., Passmore, D., Moldovan-Loomis, C., Srinivasan, M.,
Cuison, S., Cardarlli, P. M., & Dickey, L. F. (2006). Glycan optimization
of a human monoclonal antibody in the aquatic plant Lemna minor. Nat
Biotechnol. 24(12): 1591–1597
Gregory, J. A., Li, F., Tomosada, L. M., Cox, C. J., Topol, AB, et
al. (2012) Algae-Produced Pfs25 Elicits Antibodies That Inhibit Malaria
Transmission. PLoS ONE 7(5)
Sung, Y.Y., & Lee, C. S. (2013). Mammary Gland-Specific Expression of
Biologically Active Human Osteoprotegerin in Transgenic
Mice. Development & Reproduction, 17(1), 1–8.
Mantere, T., Winqvist, R., Kauppila, S., Grip, M., Jukkola-Vuorinen, A.,
Tervasmäki, A., & Pylkäs, K. (2016). Targeted Next-Generation
Sequencing Identifies a Recurrent Mutation in MCPH1 Associating with
Hereditary Breast Cancer Susceptibility. PLoS Genetics, 12(1)
Baptista, N. M., Christensen, K. D., Carere, D. A., Broadley, S. A., Roberts, J.
S., & Green R. C. (2016). Adopting genetics: motivations and outcomes of