Bob Gauvin, owner of Urban’s Motor Court in Key West, is considering outsourcing the daily room cleanup for his motel to Duffy’s Maid Service. Bob rents an average of 50 rooms for each of 365 nights (365×50 equals the total rooms rented for the year). Bob’s cost to clean a room is $12.50. The Duffy’s Main Service quote is $18.50 per room plus a fixed cost of $25,000 for sundry items such as uniforms with the motel’s name. Bob’s annual fixed costs for space, equipment, and supplies is $61,000. Which is the preferred process for Bob and why?

Operations Management

Operations Management
Order Description
ASB-4904-5 : ABP – Operations Management
Weight: 50 % of module mark
Type: Individual Assignment – 1500 words.
Format: Business Report
Real Case study
A comparison of the Operations Strategy and the key Operational Performance Objectives in the following companies:
Apple, IBM, Samsung
You primary source of information/evidence will be the Internet
A Business report has to start with a good executive summary, then main body in ‘lay terms’ with lots of graphs, the text should flow and all technical reports should be kept in the appendix; It should be well printed, formatted and with a nice cover and binding. The main body should be about 1500 words while the executive summary should be no more than one page and preferable about 10 lines. 50% of the assignment mark will be based on the overall format and 50% for the actual content.
Deadline: 6th of September
Weight: 50 % of module mark
Type: Individual Assignment – 1500 words.
Format: ACADEMIC Report
Real Case study
Write an essay of 1500 words on how you can: “Forecast the worldwide sales of iphone 7 within the first three months of its launch”. Do provide a quantitative forecast for this and also provide a series of arguments (or numerical calculations) that support your prediction.
Operations Management

Operations Management
Order Description
ASB-4904-5 : ABP – Operations Management
Weight: 50 % of module mark
Type: Individual Assignment – 1500 words.
Format: Business Report
Real Case study
A comparison of the Operations Strategy and the key Operational Performance Objectives in the following companies:
Apple, IBM, Samsung
You primary source of information/evidence will be the Internet
A Business report has to start with a good executive summary, then main body in ‘lay terms’ with lots of graphs, the text should flow and all technical reports should be kept in the appendix; It should be well printed, formatted and with a nice cover and binding. The main body should be about 1500 words while the executive summary should be no more than one page and preferable about 10 lines. 50% of the assignment mark will be based on the overall format and 50% for the actual content.
Deadline: 6th of September
Weight: 50 % of module mark
Type: Individual Assignment – 1500 words.
Format: ACADEMIC Report
Real Case study
Write an essay of 1500 words on how you can: “Forecast the worldwide sales of iphone 7 within the first three months of its launch”. Do provide a quantitative forecast for this and also provide a series of arguments (or numerical calculations) that support your prediction.