This is an individual assignment worth 50% of the module mark.
Word length: equivalent of 3,000 words in total (but do not exceed word limit for each part, a penalty will apply for assignments that exceed it by more than 10%).
Do not include References in the word count.This assignment is in four parts.Section Content Word Count Marks
Part A Analysis Business Process Models and Strategy Analysis 1,000 (equivalent to) 25
Part B Open Source Software Comparison Table 500 (equivalent to) 25
Part C Report 1,250 40
Part D Reflection on your contribution to the online discussion 250 10
Total 3,000 100You should include all parts in a single documentRelates to Learning Outcomes: Critically analyse the theory, concepts and models of operations and information management and demonstrate an understanding of the strategic importance of information management in global organisations.
Evaluate critically the fundamental principles of information systems and the significance of a socio-technical approach to their use in organisations.
Select and apply appropriate problem-solving and improvement approaches for information systems in organisations.
OIM Assignment: Loud & Clear (LC) PA Systems Report