explain the functional differences between a regulatory agency, such as a board of nursing (BRN), And a professional nursing organization (PNO) AS IT PERTAINS TO YOUR PROFESSIONAL nursing practice. Discuss TWO EXAMPLES of how provisions from a nursing code of ethics influence your practice. (IM A IMC CARDIAC NURSE) DISCUSS FOUR PROFESSIONAL TRAITS from the American Nurses Association (ANA) CODE OF ETHICS. you will bring to an interdisciplinary team of healthcare professionals. IDENTIFY A nursing theory that has influenced your professional practice. EXPLAIN HOW THIS THEORY FITS YOUR PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE. DISCUSS HOW THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF ONE HISTORICAL NURSING FIGURE HAVE IMPACTED YOUR professional nursing practice. INCLUDING MODERN-DAY APPLICATION. (EXAMPLE FLORENCE-GALE) last= Discuss a scenario in which you, as a nurse, safeguarded TWO of the following principles for the PATIENT= BENEFICENCE, NON MALEFICENCE, RESPECT FOR AUTONOMY, JUSTICE.

Students will prepare a research proposal based upon an area of interest. Final version of the proposal should be prepared using a computer and formatted in accordance with the APA (6th ed.) guidelines for preparation of a manuscript.
Please make this a quantitative research paper
Phenomenon of concern and problem statement, purpose of the study, significance to nursing and to health and quality of life, 2 research questions, conceptual/theoretical framework, literature review, methodology (design, sample, setting, measurement, tools, procedure, and data analyses) and protection of human subjects. Include all references. Include the table of study measurement methods.

Students will prepare a research proposal based upon an area of interest. Final version of the proposal should be prepared using a computer and formatted in accordance with the APA (6th ed.) guidelines for preparation of a manuscript.
Please make this a quantitative research paper
Phenomenon of concern and problem statement, purpose of the study, significance to nursing and to health and quality of life, 2 research questions, conceptual/theoretical framework, literature review, methodology (design, sample, setting, measurement, tools, procedure, and data analyses) and protection of human subjects. Include all references. Include the table of study measurement methods.